I'm working in a case require fairy complex use of page views.
Each content object will have page view, and this should be accessed easily so that we can do various things related to it (sorted on catalog result, display, calculate popular metter ...). The closest equivalent is the youtube video's view.
I'm thinking of some possible ways to implemented this:
Use annotation storage & indexer to create portal_catalog index & metadata.
Use indexer only (either use volatile attribute or update index base on the previous index) so that we don't have to write a frequently changed data twice. Page view is only store in object brain.
Use a relational database. Then how can we make it work with portal_catalog ?
在Plone之前使用包装层进行分析并通过某些API获取所需的数据.这缺乏灵活性,但有助于减少Plone方面的大量工作(写事件订阅者,检查会话,Cookie ...),并且性能应该更好吗?
Use a wrapper layer before Plone to do analytics and get desired data through some API. This scarify flexibility but helps reduce much work on Plone side (write event subscriber, check session, cookie ...), and the performance should be better ?
We have used an external log analyser for a client project (a large private intranet). Architecture:
- js库添加了一个"web bug",这是一个带有专用查询参数的空gif,是从专用的nginx服务器加载的.
- 日志处理器会拾取nginx日志,对其进行轮换,然后将这些行解析为数据库,并计算访问次数和其他元数据. db中的条目包括内容的UID,以及其他有趣的角度.
- 该站点对同一数据库具有只读访问权限,以进行统计信息查询.
Page counts are then easy, just query the database for the right UID. Ranked lists are not much harder; query the statistics, then use the UIDs to attach catalog data to the result set.
我们现在面临的最大问题是缺乏数据仓库专业知识(将数据库中的各个访问行转换为有效的聚合),并且我们正在寻求对该工具进行重新配置以使用 Piwik 改为统计引擎.
The biggest problem we face now is a lack of data warehousing know-how (turning individual access rows in the database into efficient aggregates), and we are looking into retooling this setup to use Piwik as the statistics engine instead.
在这种特殊情况下,我们无法使用Google Analytics(分析),但是如果您没有这样的限制,我当然会建议您研究 collective.googleanalytics ,看看是否可以使其适合您的用例.
We cannot use Google Analytics in this particular case, but if you do not have such a restriction, I'd certainly would advise you to look into collective.googleanalytics and see if you can make it fit your use case.