我必须在循环中发出一系列 Ajax 请求.其中大约 100 个.每个请求都返回一个 JSONP 变量.我从 JSON 中提取数据并不断将值附加到 div 中.问题是我希望 div 按照函数调用的顺序附加数据.即依次.现在,我每次刷新页面时都会得到不同的顺序,具体取决于请求完成的顺序.这是我的代码.
I have to make a series of Ajax requests on a loop. Around 100 of them. And each request returns a JSONP variable. I extract data from the JSON and keep appending the value into a div. The problem is that I want the div to be appended with data in the order of function call. i.e sequentially. Now i get a different order everytime i refresh the page depending on the order in which the request completes. Here's my code.
$.each(elem, function (index, item) {
type: 'post' ,
url: moviesSearchUrl + '&q=' + encodeURI(item) + '&page_limit=1',
dataType: "jsonp",
async: false,
success: searchCallback
function searchCallback(data) {
var movies = data.movies;
var markup = index + ': '+ movies[0].title + '<img class=" bord" src="' + movies[0].posters.thumbnail + '" /><br/>';
当我在 div 中显示索引的值时,每次我收到随机订单.2 4 3 1 7 有时和 1 5 2 7 4 有时.我什至尝试 async: false .那没有帮助.我在某处读到 JSONP 不能用 async: false 完成.请帮帮我.
As i am displaying the value of the index inside the div, everytime i get random orders . 2 4 3 1 7 sometimes and 1 5 2 7 4 sometimes. I even tries async: false . That doesnt help. I read somewhere that JSONP cannot be done with async: false . Please help me out.
$.each(elem, function (index, item) {
var $placeholder = $('<div>').appendTo("div.content");
type: 'post' ,
url: moviesSearchUrl + '&q=' + encodeURI(item) + '&page_limit=1',
dataType: "jsonp",
async: false,
success: searchCallback
function searchCallback(data) {
var movies = data.movies;
var markup = index + ': '+ movies[0].title + '<img class=" bord" src="' + movies[0].posters.thumbnail + '" /><br/>';