

我正在使用scrollama javascript库编写一篇草稿"文章,其中涉及在用户滚动时将D3图形从视图中移入或移出视图.多数情况下都可以正常工作,但是如果我滚动得太快,这些图形就会相互叠加.

I'm using the scrollama javascript library to write a "scrollytelling" article that involves transitioning D3 graphs in and out of view as the user scrolls. It is mostly working, but the graphs pile up on top of each other if I scroll too quickly.

这是基于此. github.io/scrollama/sticky-side/"rel =" nofollow noreferrer>"> scrollama作者的示例.在我的示例中,彩色圆点应该一次消失一次.如果要快速滚动到末尾,则不应出现间歇点.以下代码片段显示了我如何设置转换:

Here is a jsfiddle based on this example by the scrollama author. In my example, the colored dots should fade in one at a time. If you were to scroll quickly to the end, the intermittent dots should not show up. The following snippets show how I've set up the transitions:


I define some functions that create my "graphs", and then call them.

var makeCircle0 = function(){

    .attr("cx", 50)
    .attr("cy", 100)
    .attr("r", 20)
    .attr("fill", "red")
    .attr("class", "redcircle")

    .attr("opacity", 0)


// Do this for makeCircle1, 2, and 3, also.


Then, I make functions to handle the transitions. This one says to make the red circle fade in and put the other circles at 0 opacity. I do this for all the circles/stages.

var showCircle0 = function(){

  .attr("opacity", 1)

  g.selectAll(".yellowcircle").attr("opacity", 0)
  g.selectAll(".greencircle").attr("opacity", 0)
  g.selectAll(".bluecircle").attr("opacity", 0)


本节创建了一系列转换函数,以便在滚动时可以在页面的特定步骤调用它们.这类似于吉姆·瓦兰丁汉(Jim Vallandingham)处理滚动条的方式.

This section creates an array of my transition functions so that I can call them at specific steps in the page as you scroll. This is similar to how Jim Vallandingham handled his scroller.

var activateFunctions = [];
activateFunctions[0] = showCircle0;
activateFunctions[1] = showCircle1;
activateFunctions[2] = showCircle2;
activateFunctions[3] = showCircle3;


Finally, this calls the desired function at the right step in the page. Which it does... but not without halting the other transitions that got triggered in a previous step, resulting in multiple dots showing up at various stages.

function handleStepEnter(response) {
  step.classed('is-active', function (d, i) {
    return i === response.index;





If you need to interrupt a transition, d3-transition has a method for that:


这将取消所选内容上的过渡. 如果使用命名转换,则可以通过提供带有一个参数的中断来指定名称,该参数指示要取消的转换的名称.

This will cancel a transition on an selection. If using named transitions you can specify a name by providing interrupt with one argument indicating the name of the transition to cancel.


If this is a generic version of your function to show an element:

function show() {



Without using selection.interrupt you set the opacity to zero, and then the next tick of any transition in progress continues to update the opacity and finishes carrying out the transition. By adding interrupt we avoid that. Here's an updated fiddle.


However, there is another solution - we can apply another transition on the elements that we want to not show. To do so we just replace the transition with a new one:

function show() {


这将替换现有的未命名过渡(因为您的未命名过渡)并淡出元素,而不是一次全部隐藏它们.这是小提琴. 当然,如果您有很多元素,可以将其优化为仅对任何正在过渡的元素(而不是已隐藏的元素)应用过渡,以减少活动过渡的数量.

This will replace existing unnamed transitions (as yours are not named) and fade out elements, rather than simply hiding them all at once. Here's a fiddle of that. Of course if you have many elements this can be refined as to only apply a transition on any elements that are transitioning (not those that are already hidden) to reduce the amount of active transitions.



05-27 08:50