我正在创建一个带有公司父表的客户表.已经指示(懊恼)我将为客户表创建一个主键,该主键是公司 ID 的组合,该公司 ID 是客户表中现有的 varchar(4) 列,例如客户.公司
I am creating a customer table with a parent table that is company.It has been dictated(chagrin) that I shall create a primary key for the customer table that is a combination of the company id which is an existing varchar(4) column in the customer table, e.g. customer.company
varchar(9) 主键的其余部分应是一个零填充计数器,随着该公司内的客户数量递增.
The rest of the varchar(9) primary key shall be a zero padded counter incrementing through the number of customers within that company.
例如其中公司 = MSFT,这是 MSFT 记录的第一次插入:PK 应为 MSFT00001在随后的插入中,PK 将是 MSFT00001、MSFT00002 等.那么当 company = INTL 并且插入它的第一条记录时,第一条记录将是 INTL00001
E.g. where company = MSFT and this is a first insert of an MSFT record: the PK shall be MSFT00001on subsequent inserts the PK would be MSFT00001, MSFT00002 etc.Then when company = INTL and its first record is inserted, the first record would be INTL00001
我从我从其他 stackoverflow 响应中创建的一个而不是触发器和一个 udf 开始.
I began with an instead of trigger and a udf that I created from other stackoverflow responses.
@in varchar(9)
RETURNS varchar(9) AS
DECLARE @prefix varchar(9);
DECLARE @res varchar(9);
DECLARE @pad varchar(9);
DECLARE @num int;
DECLARE @start int;
if LEN(@in)<9
set @in = Left(@in + replicate('0',9) , 9)
SET @start = PATINDEX('%[0-9]%',@in);
SET @prefix = LEFT(@in, @start - 1 );
declare @tmp int;
set @tmp = len(@in)
declare @tmpvarchar varchar(9);
set @tmpvarchar = RIGHT( @in, LEN(@in) - @start + 1 )
SET @num = CAST( RIGHT( @in, LEN(@in) - @start + 1 ) AS int ) + 1
SET @pad = REPLICATE( '0', 9 - LEN(@prefix) - CEILING(LOG(@num)/LOG(10)) );
SET @res = @prefix + @pad + CAST( @num AS varchar);
How would I write my instead of trigger to insert the values and increment this primary key. Or should I give it up and start a lawnmowing business?
抱歉,tmpvarchar 变量 SQL 服务器在没有它的情况下给了我奇怪的结果.
Sorry for that tmpvarchar variable SQL server was giving me strange results without it.
Whilst I agree with the naysayers, the principle of "accepting that which cannot be changed" tends to lower the overall stress level, IMHO. Try the following approach.
- 仅限单行插入.您不会对新客户表进行任何批量插入,因为每次要插入行时都需要执行存储过程.
- 一定数量的密钥生成表争用,因此可能会阻塞.
On the up side, though, this approach doesn't have any race conditions associated with it, and it isn't too egregious a hack to really and truly offend my sensibilities. So...
首先,从密钥生成表开始.它将包含每个公司的 1 行,其中包含您的公司标识符和一个整数计数器,每次执行插入时我们都会增加该计数器.
First, start with a key generation table. It will contain 1 row for each company, containing your company identifier and an integer counter that we'll be bumping up each time an insert is performed.
create table dbo.CustomerNumberGenerator
company varchar(8) not null ,
curr_value int not null default(1) ,
constraint CustomerNumberGenerator_PK primary key clustered ( company ) ,
Second, you'll need a stored procedure like this (in fact, you might want to integrate this logic into the stored procedure responsible for inserting the customer record. More on that in a bit). This stored procedure accepts a company identifier (e.g. 'MSFT') as its sole argument. This stored procedure does the following:
- 将公司 ID 转换为规范形式(例如大写并修剪前导/尾随空格).
- 如果该行不存在,则将其插入到键生成表中(原子操作).
- 在单个原子操作(更新语句)中,获取指定公司的计数器的当前值,然后递增.
- 然后以指定方式生成客户编号,并通过 1 行/1 列
- Puts the company id into canonical form (e.g. uppercase and trimmed of leading/trailing whitespace).
- Inserts the row into the key generation table if it doesn't already exist (atomic operation).
- In a single, atomic operation (update statement), the current value of the counter for the specified company is fetched and then incremented.
- The customer number is then generated in the specified way and returned to the caller via a 1-row/1-column
create procedure dbo.GetNewCustomerNumber
@company varchar(8)
set nocount on
set ansi_nulls on
set concat_null_yields_null on
set xact_abort on
@customer_number varchar(32)
-- put the supplied key in canonical form
set @company = ltrim(rtrim(upper(@company)))
-- if the name isn't already defined in the table, define it.
insert dbo.CustomerNumberGenerator ( company )
select id = @company
where not exists ( select *
from dbo.CustomerNumberGenerator
where company = @company
-- now, an interlocked update to get the current value and increment the table
update CustomerNumberGenerator
set @customer_number = company + right( '00000000' + convert(varchar,curr_value) , 8 ) ,
curr_value = curr_value + 1
where company = @company
-- return the new unique value to the caller
select customer_number = @customer_number
return 0
The reason you might want to integrate this into the stored procedure that inserts a row into the customer table is that it makes globbing it all together into a single transaction; without that, your customer numbers may/will get gaps when an insert fails land gets rolled back.
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