

此问题已被询问 - 超过两次,实际上,但我自己没能从派生的问题解决方案。

This question has already been asked here -- more than twice, actually --, but I myself haven't been able to derive a solution to my problem from the posts.

我有一个图书馆,与其中,一个名为 A 的类。从 A 类,我需要访问 std :: map<> ,但它是私有的。此外,基于我在文章中提到的可能性, A 类有模板函数。

What I have is a library, with, among others, a class named A in it. From class A I need to access an std::map<>, but it is private. Also, and based on the possibilities I found in the post I mentioned, class A has no templated function.

我实际上能够重新编译库,所以我可以简单地改变可见性。 ,这将是一个很多的工作 - 我不知道更改的可见性是否不会得到任何其他的崩溃。

I'm actually able to recompile the library, so that I could simply change the visibility. However, that would be a lot of work -- and I'm not sure if changing the visibility won't get anything else to crash.

我想要做的是在 B 中:

// NOT MY CODE -- library <a.h>
class A {
    std::map<int, int> A_map;

// MY CODE -- module "b.h"
# include <a.h>
class B : private A {
    B() {
        for (auto it(A_map.begin()); it != A_map.end(); ++it) {


How may I do it without changing the original class -- and without having any available templated method in the base class for to be overloaded/specialized?



You should first be very confident that what you're trying to do is actually valid... there's probably a good reason that variable is private. Modifying it may break the state of an instance of A, and there's no guarantee a private variable will be in a logical or consistent state when you break encapsulation to read it.

有了这个警告,如果你可以修改/重新编译库声明你的类A的朋友可能是去的方式。 B拥有A的实例,因为它是一个朋友,它可以访问A实例的私有成员。

With that caveat, if you can modify / recompile the library declaring your class a friend of A is probably the way to go. Have B hold an instance of A by composition, and since it's a friend it can access private members of the A instance.

并且,因为我感觉特别邪恶这里是如何打破封装,甚至没有修改A.虽然它不是便携式(我在g ++在64位linux上工作),并涉及确定内存对象布局。为了简单起见,我将地图更改为向量。

And, because I'm feeling particularly evil here's a demo of how to break encapsulation without even modifying A. Although it's not portable (I'm working in g++ on 64-bit linux) and involves figuring out the in-memory object layout. I changed the map to a vector for simplicity.


class A {
    int blah; //Just to make it a bit more realistic.
    std::vector<int> A_vec;
    void outputVec() {
       std::vector<int>::iterator it = A_vec.begin();
       while(it != A_vec.end()) {
         std::cout << *it << std::endl;

int main() {
  A* a = new A();
  std::vector<int>* v = (std::vector<int>*)(((char*)a)+sizeof(long));
  return 0;


05-27 08:04