

我正计划实施一个小型内部文档管理系统.它必须具有用于管理数据库中存储的远程文件夹结构的Web GUI.在这些文件夹中存储着Word文档(实际上是数据库中的Blob).每当用户单击文档链接时,便会通过浏览器下载二进制字词,并(有希望)在用户PC上的Word中打开该字词.

I am planning to implement a small in-house document management system. It must have a web GUI for managing a remote folder structure stored in a database. In these folders are word documents stored (physically as blob in a database). Whenever a user clicks on a document link, a word binary is downloaded via browser and (hopefully) opened in Word on the user's PC.


现在,用户点击保存"或Ctrl-S.我想在Word中编程一个功能,以调用一个自定义函数(也许在.NET DLL中),该函数将保存的文件上传回服务器(HTTP).在我看来,最困难的部分是:

Now the user hits "Save" or Ctrl-S. I want to have a functionality programmed inside Word that calls a custom function (maybe in a .NET DLL) that uploads the saved file back to the server (HTTP). The hard part seems to me:

  • 如何拦截保存过程以调用扩展功能
  • 如何将其部署到多个用户


Mike的链接到应该用于拦截文件保存. File->Save的特定按钮idMso是"FileSave"

Mike's link to the question I answered should do it for intercepting the file save. The specific button idMso for File->Save is "FileSave"


To deploy it to several users machine you can either

  1. 创建一个安装项目,该项目将创建一个可以在所有用户计算机上运行的msi
  2. 如果是Intranet方案,则可以将程序集保留在网络位置,只需将必要的注册表设置添加到所有用户计算机.此文章应该描述您需要包含的设置.您只需要更改路径设置以指向网络位置即可.
  1. Create a setup project that will create an msi that you can run on all the users machines
  2. if it's an intranet scenario, you can keep the assemblies on a network location and just add the neceassary registry settings to all the users machines. This article should describe the settings that you need to include. You would just need to change the path setting to point to the network location.


05-27 07:55