在我正在测试的 Android 应用程序中,我尝试单击/点击时间选择器.例如,默认情况下,时间选择器显示 08:00AM.我想将小时从 8 改为 7 &然后稍后更改分钟,但 xpath 似乎不起作用.它点击了一些东西,但当我通过代码点击 OK 按钮时,时间仍然显示 08:00AM.如果有人可以帮助我,那么我将能够改变分钟和;下午到上午也是如此.
In the Android app that I am testing, I am trying to click/tap the time picker. For example by default the time picker shows 08:00AM. I want to change the hour from 8 to 7 & then later on change the minutes but the xpath doesn't seem to be working. Its clicking something but the time still shows 08:00AM when I click the OK button via the code. If someone could help me then I will be able to change minutes & PM to AM as well.
这是我用来点击小时选择器以便选择 7 的方法:
Here's what I am using for tapping the hour picker so that 7 shows up selected:
Here's the solution that worked for me:
- 使用MobileElement.我也在使用 AndroidDriver 而不是 RemoteWebDriver,所以我不知道这是否可行.
- 忘记点击().使用 MobileElement 的 tap(int finger, int duration) 方法.我还没有在互联网上找到什么是持续时间(秒、毫秒等,所以这些值只是点击和试用).
- Use MobileElement. I am using AndroidDriver also instead of RemoteWebDriver so I do not know whether that will work or not.
- Forget click(). Use tap(int fingers, int duration) method of MobileElement. I have not found on the internet what duration is (seconds, milliseconds, etc so these values are just hit & trial).
我已经在下面发布了代码 &有效.它可能需要改进,但现在我很高兴,因为我不是一个铁杆程序员.
I have posted the code below & it worked. It may need refinement but for now I am happy as I am not a hardcore programmer.
Now assume that hour is variable depending upon your test
// change hour
List<WebElement> buttons = driver.findElementsByClassName("android.widget.Button");
MobileElement hour = (MobileElement) buttons.get(0);
List<WebElement> highlights = driver.findElementsByClassName("android.widget.EditText");
MobileElement hourHighlight = (MobileElement) highlights.get(0); // highlighted hour
// lets say we need hour = 4
while (!hourHighlight.getText().equalsIgnoreCase("4"))
if (hourHighlight.getText().equalsIgnoreCase("4"))
hour.tap(1, 10);
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