我设法使用 WMI 代码创建器生成以下代码:
Am attempting to query the serial number and the model of the monitor.
I managed to use the WMI code creator to generate the below code:
Dim MInfo As New ManagementObjectSearcher("root\WMI", "SELECT * FROM WmiMonitorID")
For Each Monitor In MInfo.Get()
If Monitor("SerialNumberID") Is Nothing Then
Dim arrSerialNumberID As UInt16()
arrSerialNumberID = Monitor("SerialNumberID")
For Each arrValue As UInt16 In arrSerialNumberID
Console.WriteLine("Serial: " & arrValue)
End If
If Monitor("UserFriendlyName") Is Nothing Then
Dim arrSerialNumberID As UInt16()
arrSerialNumberID = Monitor("UserFriendlyName")
For Each arrValue As UInt16 In arrSerialNumberID
Console.WriteLine("Model: " & arrValue)
End If
Catch err As ManagementException
MessageBox.Show("An error occurred while querying for WMI data: " & err.Message)
End Try
SerialNumberID: 67,78,75,52,49,49,49,49,55,57,0,0,0,0,0,0
UserFriendlyName: 104,112,32,76,49,53,51,48,0,0,0,0,0
我正在尝试将输出转换为 ASCII.
I am trying to convert the output to ASCII.
字节数组可以使用 Convert.ToByte(UInt16),然后用 Encoding.UTF8.GetString().
The returned array needs to be converted to a string, to become human-eye-friendly.
The UInt16
byte array can be converted with Convert.ToByte(UInt16), then transformed into string with Encoding.UTF8.GetString().
这里,一个转换方法包含在一个专门的类 (MonitorID
) 中,用于返回系统中所有监视器的一些信息,查询 \WMI\WmiMonitorID
它可以使用 \CIMV2\Win32_DesktopMonitor
Here, a conversion method is included in a specialized class (
) that is used to return some information on all Monitors in a System, querying \WMI\WmiMonitorID
It could be extended with \CIMV2\Win32_DesktopMonitor
Dim MonitorIds As List(Of MonitorID) = GetDesktopMonitorsID()
Will return (among other details):
MonitorIds(0).SerialNumberID = CNK4111179
MonitorIds(0).UserFriendlyName = HP L1530
类和 WMI 查询方法:
Class and WMI Query method:
Imports System.Management
Public Class MonitorID
Public Property Active As Boolean?
Public Property InstanceName As String
Public Property ManufacturerName As String
Public Property ProductCodeID As String
Public Property SerialNumberID As String
Public Property UserFriendlyName As String
Public Property WeekOfManufacture As String
Public Property YearOfManufacture As String
Public Shared Function ConvertToString(mObject As Object) As String
If mObject Is Nothing Then Return String.Empty
Return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(CType(mObject, UInt16()).
TakeWhile(Function(ui) ui <> 0).Select(Function(ui) Convert.ToByte(ui)).ToArray())
End Function
End Class
Public Shared Function GetDesktopMonitorsID() As List(Of MonitorID)
Dim MonitorsIds As New List(Of MonitorID)()
Dim ConnOptions As New ConnectionOptions() With {
.EnablePrivileges = True,
.Timeout = EnumerationOptions.InfiniteTimeout
Dim mOptions As New EnumerationOptions() With {
.Rewindable = False,
.ReturnImmediately = True,
.DirectRead = True,
.EnumerateDeep = False
Dim mQuery As New SelectQuery("SELECT * FROM WmiMonitorID")
Dim mScope As New ManagementScope($"\\{Environment.MachineName}\root\WMI", ConnOptions)
Using moSearcher As New ManagementObjectSearcher(mScope, mQuery, mOptions)
For Each moMonitor As ManagementObject In moSearcher.[Get]()
MonitorsIds.Add(New MonitorID() With {
.Active = CType(moMonitor("Active"), Boolean?),
.InstanceName = moMonitor("InstanceName")?.ToString(),
.ManufacturerName = MonitorID.ConvertToString(moMonitor("ManufacturerName")),
.ProductCodeID = MonitorID.ConvertToString(moMonitor("ProductCodeID")),
.SerialNumberID = MonitorID.ConvertToString(moMonitor("SerialNumberID")),
.UserFriendlyName = MonitorID.ConvertToString(moMonitor("UserFriendlyName")),
.WeekOfManufacture = moMonitor("WeekOfManufacture")?.ToString(),
.YearOfManufacture = moMonitor("YearOfManufacture")?.ToString()
End Using
Return MonitorsIds
End Function
这篇关于WmiMonitorID - 将结果转换为 ASCII的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!