


I'm hoping to delete columns in my arrays that have repeat entries in row 1 as shown below (row 1 has repeats of values 1 & 2.5, so one of each of those values have been been deleted, together with the column each deleted value lies within).

initial_array =

row 0   [[  1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,]
row 1    [0.5,    1,  2.5,    4,  2.5,    2,    1,  3.5,]
row 2    [  1,  1.5,    3,  4.5,    3,  2.5,  1.5,    4,]
row 3    [228,  314,  173,  452,  168,  351,  300,  396]]

final_array =
row 0   [[  1,    1,    1,    1,    1,    1,]
row 1    [0.5,    1,  2.5,    4,    2,  3.5,]
row 2    [  1,  1.5,    3,  4.5,  2.5,    4,]
row 3    [228,  314,  173,  452,  351,  396]]


Ways I was thinking of included using some function that checked for repeats, giving a True response for the second (or more) time a value turned up in the dataset, then using that response to delete the row. That or possibly using the return indices function within numpy.unique. I just can't quite find a way through it or find the right function though.


If I could find a way to return an mean value in the row 3 of the retained repeat and the deleted one, that would be even better (see below).

final_array_averaged =
row 0   [[  1,    1,      1,    1,    1,    1,]
row 1    [0.5,    1,    2.5,    4,    2,  3.5,]
row 2    [  1,  1.5,      3,  4.5,  2.5,    4,]
row 3    [228,  307,  170.5,  452,  351,  396]]


Thanks in advance for any help you can give to a beginner who is stumped!


您可以使用可选参数 np.unique 附带的内容,然后使用 np.bincount 将最后一行用作权重以获取最终平均值输出,像这样-

You can use the optional arguments that come with np.unique and then use np.bincount to use the last row as weights to get the final averaged output, like so -

_,unqID,tag,C = np.unique(arr[1],return_index=1,return_inverse=1,return_counts=1)
out = arr[:,unqID]
out[-1] = np.bincount(tag,arr[3])/C


In [212]: arr
array([[   1. ,    1. ,    1. ,    1. ,    1. ,    1. ,    1. ,    1. ],
       [   0.5,    1. ,    2.5,    4. ,    2.5,    2. ,    1. ,    3.5],
       [   1. ,    1.5,    3. ,    4.5,    3. ,    2.5,    1.5,    4. ],
       [ 228. ,  314. ,  173. ,  452. ,  168. ,  351. ,  300. ,  396. ]])

In [213]: out
array([[   1. ,    1. ,    1. ,    1. ,    1. ,    1. ],
       [   0.5,    1. ,    2. ,    2.5,    3.5,    4. ],
       [   1. ,    1.5,    2.5,    3. ,    4. ,    4.5],
       [ 228. ,  307. ,  351. ,  170.5,  396. ,  452. ]])

现在可以看到输出中有一个订单第二行被排序。如果您希望保留原来的顺序,请使用 unqID 中的 np.argsort ,如下所示-

As can be seen that the output has now an order with the second row being sorted. If you are looking to keep the order as it was originally, use np.argsort of unqID, like so -

In [221]: out[:,unqID.argsort()]
array([[   1. ,    1. ,    1. ,    1. ,    1. ,    1. ],
       [   0.5,    1. ,    2.5,    4. ,    2. ,    3.5],
       [   1. ,    1.5,    3. ,    4.5,    2.5,    4. ],
       [ 228. ,  307. ,  170.5,  452. ,  351. ,  396. ]])


05-27 06:22