While configuring the security constraints for a web-module's roles in J2EE application I'm having the following problem:
提供一个名为 customersServlet 的servlet,它在URL中接收两个参数:
Giving a servlet named customersServlet, which receives two parameters in the URL:
- 表示操作的字符串(INS,UPD,DLT和DSP)。
- 用于标识将在其上执行操作的客户的标识号。
EG:url / servlet / cusotmersServlet?UPD,5
用于更新客户5号数据,以及url / servlet / customersServlet?DLT,8
E.G.: the url /servlet/cusotmersServlet?UPD,5
is used to update customer number 5 data, and the url /servlet/customersServlet?DLT,8
is used to delete customer number 8.
If I use this security-constraint the servlet can only be accessed by the role specified, which is ok:
但我想限制只将客户插入名为 clientAdmin的角色的能力。
But I want to restrict the ability to insert customers only to a role named clientAdmin.
I've tried several url patterns but none of them works as I want (all of them allow every role to access the servlet with any parameter):
如何使用通配符 *
在 url-pattern
How to use the wildcard *
in the url-pattern
注意: 应用程序无法更改,因此我需要一个仅涉及触及部署描述符的解决方案。
Note: The application cannot be changed, so I need a solution that only implies touching the deployment descriptor.
< url-pattern>
标记仅允许非常有限的通配符子集。这可能不是您在其他情况下习惯的,其中 *
The <url-pattern>
tag only allows a very restricted subset of wildcards. This is probably not what you are used to from other situations, where a *
can be used at any position. You can download the Servlet specification here:
该文件的SRV.11.2节描述如何解释这些URL模式。特别是, *
Section SRV.11.2 of that document describes how these URL patterns are interpreted. In particular, the *
does not mean "zero or more arbitrary characters" here.