本文介绍了javaee url-pattern"/"匹配所有内容,而"/*"仅用于,不用于"/"的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


      <web-resource-name>Common pages</web-resource-name>


as expected, with this constraint, the page /test1.html needs authentication,and the page /test2.html does not need authentication.

      <web-resource-name>Common pages</web-resource-name>


as expected, with this constraint, all pages need authentication,including /test2.html.

      <web-resource-name>Common pages</web-resource-name>


with this constraint, I would expect that the page /test1.html and / need authentication,but the page /test2.html should not need authentication.


However, it turns out that /test2.html also requires authentication.


Question 1. Is that normal? Why is so?

问题2.规范中在哪里写出URL模式"/"等效于"/*"?Java Servlet规范2.5: http://goo.gl/UxoPL

Question 2. Where is it written in the specification that the url-pattern "/" is equivalent to "/*"?Java Servlet Specification 2.5: http://goo.gl/UxoPL


Question 3. How can I tell that the root page "/" requires authentication, but not the other pages?


ps: I am using jboss-eap-4.3.


/是一个特殊的URL模式,它匹配所有匹配的内容,而所有内容都与不匹配相同的Web应用程序,例如/app/**.do等.例如,默认servlet".默认情况下,这是由servlet容器自己的默认servlet处理的,通常用于静态资源,例如普通的HTML/CSS/JS/image文件,而不会调用任何webapp自己的servlet.例如,Tomcat为此具有 DefaultServlet .

The / is a special URL pattern which matches everything which is not matched by any of the more specific servlet URL patterns in the same webapp like /app/*, *.do, etc. It's, say, the "default servlet". This is by default handled by the servletcontainer's own default servlet and is usually used for static resources like plain vanilla HTML/CSS/JS/image files for which no one of the webapp's own servlets would be invoked. Tomcat for example has the DefaultServlet for this purpose.


The /* is an overly generic URL pattern which matches everything, including the "default servlet" requests. This URL pattern is normally to be used by filters only, not by servlets. Otherwise you'd have to reinvent the job of servletcontainer's own default servlet to deal with static files like plain vanilla HTML/CSS/JS/image files.


As to your concrete functional requirement, you need to specify a welcome file for /



and then put the security constraint URL pattern on /index.html instead.

这篇关于javaee url-pattern"/"匹配所有内容,而"/*"仅用于,不用于"/"的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

05-27 06:13