我是一名HIBERNATE BEGINNER,因为我需要用动态字段创建动态表,我选择使用hibernate。就我的理解而言,创建表需要一个具有类中定义的字段的类。我如何根据具有所需字段的表动态生成类? 我认为你一定要看看(实验性的,但非常稳定/成熟的)Hibernate动态映射:您可以使用hibernate的所有功能(包括缓存等)以及HQL类对象语法的所有功能。
i AM A HIBERNATE BEGINNER ,Since i need to create dynamic tables with dynamic fields in them i chose to use hibernate . As far as my understanding , creating tables requires a class with the fields defined in the class . How do i generate the classes dynamically based on the table with the required fields ?
I think that you should definitely have a look over the (experimental but quite stable/mature) Hibernate Dynamic mapping : http://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/core/3.5/reference/en/html/persistent-classes.html#persistent-classes-dynamicmodels
You will have the benefit of using all the features of hibernate (including caching, etc.) and all the power of HQL object-like syntax.