本文介绍了如何使用Spring Data Jpa启用多租户的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


背景:我正在构建一个Multitenant SaaS应用程序,并选择了单一数据库,共享架构作为多租户方法。每个表都有一个鉴别器列tenantId来隔离租户数据。我使用Spring引导作为应用程序框架,并利用Hibernate的弹簧数据jpa作为JPA提供程序。我非常喜欢Spring数据帮助消除样板代码的方式,并且目前已经编码了如下所示的存储库:

public interface UserRepository扩展JpaRepository< User,Long> {



  public class UserService {
private UserRepository userRepo;
public User getUser(){
User user = userRepo.findOne(id);


解决方案尝试: Hibernate Interceptor - onPrepareStatememt:这是没用的,因为sql是一个字符串,我不想进行字符串操作。

$ b

$ b ii)使用Spring AOP启用Hibernate过滤器:使用@Filter注释实体并尝试在会话中设置过滤器。这不起作用,因为方面永远不会被调用。

  @AfterReturning(pointcut =execution(* org.hibernate.jpa。 (会话)会话;内部.EntityManagerImpl.OpenSession(..)),返回=会话)
public void forceFilter(JoinPoint joinPoint,Object session){

Session hibernateSession =


我已经发布了有关,即使我使用DB租用方法, DISCRIMINATOR (看看 CurrentTenantIdentifierResolver / code>实现( TenantDvdRentalIdentifierResolverImpl.java ), DvdRentalMultiTenantInterceptor.java Spring MVC 拦截器和 DvdRentalTenantContext.java ,它使用 ThreadLocal 存储/传递tenantId。

Background : I am building a Multitenant SaaS app and have chosen single database, shared schema as the Multitenancy approach. Every table has a discriminator column "tenantId" to isolate the tenant data. I am using spring boot as the application framework and leveraging spring data jpa for the data layer with Hibernate as the JPA provider. I really like the way spring data helps in eliminating boilerplate code and have currently coded the respositories like below,

public interface UserRepository extends JpaRepository<User,Long>{


and services like below,

public class UserService{
    private UserRepository userRepo;
    public User getUser(){
        User user = userRepo.findOne(id);

Problem Statement: When i want to get user, i want to get the user for a particular org. I am wondering how do i add the tenant criteria, i do not want to write custom repository implementations as that will introduce boilerplate code.

Solutions Attempted:

i) Hibernate Interceptor - onPrepareStatememt : This is not useful as the sql is a string and i do not want to do string manipulation.

ii)Enabling Hibernate Filters with Spring AOP: Annotated entity with @Filter and tried setting the filter in session. This does not work as the aspect is never invoked.

@AfterReturning(pointcut = "execution(* org.hibernate.jpa.internal.EntityManagerImpl.OpenSession(..))", returning = "session")
public void forceFilter(JoinPoint joinPoint, Object session) {

    Session hibernateSession = (Session) session;

The hibernate filters sounds like a promising approach but i have kind of hit the wall trying to put in a working solution. I would like to know if there is an alternate approach to enable the hibernate filter in the session that Spring data uses internally to query the data.


I have blogged about Multi-tenant applications using Spring Boot, JPA, Hibernate and Postgres and even though I took the DB per tenant approach, the DISCRIMINATOR (One or multiple table columns used to specify different tenants) approach you are using most-likely requires less configuration.

Take a look at the CurrentTenantIdentifierResolver implementation (TenantDvdRentalIdentifierResolverImpl.java), the DvdRentalMultiTenantInterceptor.java Spring MVC interceptor and DvdRentalTenantContext.java that uses the ThreadLocal to store / pass the tenantId.

这篇关于如何使用Spring Data Jpa启用多租户的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

05-27 05:05