本文介绍了Swift Dictionary的自定义序列的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个容器类,它有一个基础字典。我已经为这个类实现了下标来访问底层字典的成员。现在,我正在尝试在这个类上创建一个序列,这样我就可以通过在类实例本身上使用'for-in'循环来迭代底层字典的所有元素。我一直在寻找一些序列为Swift词典的例子,但找不到任何能很好地解释这些东西的东西。我已经看到了Swift数组的一些自定义序列示例,但没有看到Swift Dictionary的自定义序列示例。如果有人能解释我是如何实现这一点的,我真的很感激。以下是该类的代码(没有序列代码,因为我不知道从哪里开始)

I have a container class that has an underlying dictionary. I have implemented subscripts for this class to access member of the underlying dictionary. Now, I am trying to create a sequence on this class so that I could iterate over all the elements of the underlying dictionary by using 'for-in' loop on the class instance itself. I have been looking to find some examples for Sequences for Swift Dictionary but could not find anything that explains the stuff well. I have seen some custom sequence examples for Swift Array but none for the Swift Dictionary. I would really appreciate if anyone could explain how I can achieve that. Following is the code for the class (no sequence code yet as I am not sure where to begin)

import Foundation

class STCQuestionList : GeneratorType, SequenceType {

private var questionDict: [String : STCQuestion] = [ : ];

subscript(key : String?) -> STCQuestion? {
    get {
        if (key != nil) {
            return self.questionDict[key!];
        return nil;
    set(newValue) {
        if (key != nil) {
            self.questionDict[key!] = newValue;

func generate() -> GeneratorType {


 func next() -> (String, STCQuestion)? {
    if (self.questionDict.isEmpty) {
        return .None




If I'm understanding correctly, how about just forwarding on the generate?

func generate() -> DictionaryGenerator<String, STCQuestion> {
    return questionDict.generate()

(你不是需要实现 GeneratorType ,只需 SequenceType 就可以了。它是 generate()本身返回 GeneratorType 必须实现的内容 next(),字典中现有的 generate()实现已经为你做了。)

(You don't need to implement GeneratorType, just SequenceType should do. It's generate() itself that returns a GeneratorType, and that's what has to implement next(), which the existing generate() implementation in Dictionary already does for you.)


Full worked example based on your code:

// Playground - noun: a place where people can play

import Foundation

class STCQuestion {
    let foo: String
    init(_ foo: String) {
        self.foo = foo

class STCQuestionList : SequenceType {

    private var questionDict: [String : STCQuestion] = [ : ];

    subscript(key : String?) -> STCQuestion? {
        get {
            if key != nil {
                return self.questionDict[key!];
            return nil;
        set(newValue) {
            if key != nil {
                self.questionDict[key!] = newValue;

    func generate() -> DictionaryGenerator<String, STCQuestion> {
        return questionDict.generate()

var list = STCQuestionList()
list["test"] = STCQuestion("blah")
list["another"] = STCQuestion("wibble")
list["third"] = STCQuestion("doodah")

for (key, value) in list {
    println("Key: \(key) Foo: \(value.foo)")

// Output:
// Key: test Foo: blah
// Key: another Foo: wibble
// Key: third Foo: doodah

这篇关于Swift Dictionary的自定义序列的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

05-27 05:02