我有一个包含两个实体( Product 和 Feedback )的数据库.反馈有一个引用Product的外键,其主键是一个整数.因此,它们之间是一对一的关系.
I have a database with two entities (Product and Feedback). Feedback has a single foreign key that refers to Product, whose primary key is an integer. They are therefore in a one-to-one relationship.
我想通过Web应用程序向数据库添加一个新的 Feedback 条目.为此,我尝试从Angular客户端应用程序向Spring服务器执行 PUT请求.
I want to add a new Feedback entry to the database with my web application.To do so I'm trying to perform a PUT request to my Spring server from my Angular client application.
客户端具有 Feedback
类的Object,具有以下属性( Feedback.ts
The client has an Object of class Feedback
with the following attributes (content of Feedback.ts
export class Feedback {
public productId: number,
public score: number,
public preferred: boolean,
public textNote: string
) {
服务器端的类 Feedback.java
@Table(name = "feedback")
public class Feedback implements Serializable {
@JoinColumn(name = "product", unique = true)
@OneToOne(cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
private Product product;
@Column(name = "score")
private double score;
@Column(name = "preferred")
private boolean preferred;
@Column(name = "textnote")
private String textNote;
// ... getters, setters, constructor
如您所见,存在一个不匹配的属性: productId
是一个 number
,而 product
是 Product类
As you can see there is a non-matching attribute: productId
is a number
, while product
is of class Product
. How can I give the Spring application the correct object in order to save
it in the database?
我正在尝试遵循Hibernate准则,据我所知,在类型为 int
的java类中使用属性而不是 Product 是一个不好的做法.代码>.我该怎么办?
I'm trying to follow the Hibernate guidelines and as far as I understood it would be a bad practice to use an attribute in the java class of type
instead of Product
. What should I do?
You create a new Product with the productId from the FE. Now you can create a new Feedback object with all types set. This you can then store in the database.
Usually, you have data transfer object (DTO)in the backend. Those will as the name suggests transport data do nothing else. Endpoints in the backend will always get DTOs which are the same as in the FE. In your case create a FeedbackDto.
public class FeedbackDto {
Long productId;
Double score;
Boolean preferred;
String textNote;
The Endpoint will receive this Object which has the same fields as the Feedback from the FE. Spring will create and fill you the object from the values in the JSON body of the request
From the FeedbackDto you create now a Feedback entity:
new Feedback(new Product(feedbackDto.productId), feedbackDto.score, feedbackDto.preferred, feedbackDto.textNote)
Now you can save this Feedback entity into your database.