我们在从.Net 4 C#应用程序保存文件时使用MoveFileTransactedW(也就是说,我们写入临时文件,然后将文件移动到其中实际位置)。
We are using MoveFileTransactedW when saving files from our .Net 4 C# application (that is, we write to a temporary file and then move the file to its actual location).
在两台独立的计算机(都是Windows 7)上,我们很少发生似乎对MoveFileTransactedW的调用永远不会返回的情况(至少根据我们查看的小型数据库) 。
On two separate computers (both Windows 7) we have had a rare occurrence where it seems the call to MoveFileTransactedW never returns (at least according to the minidumps we looked at).
The code that executes the move, looks like this (i removed some code that handles the case where transactions arent supported as well as some other error handling):
var transaction = CreateTransaction( IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, 0, 0, 0, 0, IntPtr.Zero );
try {
bool result = MoveFileTransactedW( src, dest, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, MoveFileFlags.MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING | MoveFileFlags.MOVEFILE_WRITE_THROUGH, transaction );
result &= CommitTransaction( transaction );
if ( !result ) {
File.Replace( src, dest, null );
finally {
CloseHandle( transaction );
[DllImport( "KtmW32.dll" )]
private static extern bool CommitTransaction( IntPtr transaction );
[DllImport( "Kernel32.dll" )]
private static extern bool CloseHandle( IntPtr handle );
[DllImport( "KtmW32.dll" )]
private static extern IntPtr CreateTransaction( IntPtr lpEventAttributes, IntPtr UOW, UInt32 createOptions, UInt32 isolationLevel, UInt32 isolationFlags, UInt32 timeOut, IntPtr description );
[return: MarshalAs( UnmanagedType.Bool )]
[DllImport( "kernel32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, SetLastError = true )]
private static extern bool MoveFileTransactedW( [In] string lpExistingFileName, [In] string lpNewFileName, [In] IntPtr lpProgressRoutine, [In] IntPtr lpData, [In] MoveFileFlags dwFlags, [In] IntPtr hTransaction );
Any ideas what could cause this? I have tried various scenarios involving other transactions open on the same file, locking the files etc, but MoveFileTransactedW always returns.
The last part of the stacktrace is this:
> ()
> ntdll.dll!_KiFastSystemCallRet@0()
() + 0xc字节
ntdll.dll!_NtSetInformationFile@20() + 0xc bytes
() + 0x18c字节
kernel32.dll!_MoveFileWithProgressTransactedW@24() + 0x18c bytes
() + 0x47字节
kernel32.dll!_MoveFileTransactedW@24() + 0x47 bytes
[Managed to Native Transition]
Perhaps i should avoid using the MOVEFILE_WRITE_THROUGH flag? According to http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa365241(v=vs.85).aspx it is not necessary, but i found the description a bit unclear, and therefore i added it anyway :)
- Remove the MOVEFILE_WRITE_THROUGH flag (not sure if this is the issue though)
- 调用CreateTransaction时,为第6个参数指定合理的超时,如果事务在程序中止,则实现一些重试逻辑
- When you call CreateTransaction, specify a reasonable timeout for the 6th parameter, and implement some retry logic if the transaction is aborted in your program