Redirect Page:if user has an open session, redirect to the proper resourceelse redirect to login page
登录页面:如果用户登录信息有效,则重定向到$ _SERVER ['HTTP_REFERER']否则显示登录页面
Login Page:if user login info is valid, redirect to $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']else display login page
当您访问重定向页面时,它会发现您没有有效的会话,并重定向到登录页面.然后,您可以登录没有问题,但是在身份验证后,我收到此网页具有重定向循环". Chrome中的页面.
When you visit the redirect page, it sees that you do not have a valid session and redirects to the login page. You can then login no problems, but after authentication I receive the "This webpage has a redirect loop." page in Chrome.
It's not a true loop, since there are several ways out (IE provide valid login details and go to destination resource, provide invalid login and receive error message, etc). But I can see the browser's confusion (going from a to b to a again).
Any ideas how I can solve this problem?
$ _ SERVER ['HTTP_REFERER']将始终是登录页面,因为必须在成功登录之前立即加载登录页面.因此,一旦成功登录,推荐人就是登录页面,因此登录页面会将您重定向到仍然成功登录的登录页面,从而使您一次又一次地登录.
$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] will always be the login page since you have to load the login page right before you successfully login. So once you successfully login, the referrer is the login page, so the login page redirects you to the login page, which you still successfully logged in, so it logs you in over and over.
您可能不应该依赖$ _SERVER ['HTTP_REFERER']而是将它们尝试访问的页面存储在$ _SESSION或$ _COOKIE变量中.根据您的设置,最有可能的会话会更好.
Rather than relying on $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] you should probably store the page they are trying to get to in either a $_SESSION or $_COOKIE variable. Most likely session will be better, depending upon your setup.