我使用 spring-boot-starter-data-solr 并希望利用 Spring Data Solr 的 schmea cration 支持,如 文档:
I use spring-boot-starter-data-solr and would like to make use of the schmea cration support of Spring Data Solr, as stated in the documentation:
每当应用程序上下文刷新时,自动模式填充将检查您的域类型,并根据属性配置将新字段填充到您的索引中.这需要 solr 以 Schemaless 模式运行.
但是,我无法做到这一点.据我所知,Spring Boot starter 没有启用 @EnableSolrRepositories 注释上的 schemaCreationSupport 标志.所以我尝试的是以下内容:
However, I am not able to achieve this. As far as I can see, the Spring Boot starter does not enable the schemaCreationSupport flag on the @EnableSolrRepositories annotation. So what I tried is the following:
@EnableSolrRepositories(schemaCreationSupport = true)
public class MyApplication {
public SolrOperations solrTemplate(SolrClient solr) {
return new SolrTemplate(solr);
但是在 Wireshark 中,当通过存储库保存新实体时,我看不到任何对 Solr Schema API 的调用.
But looking in Wireshark I cannot see any calls to the Solr Schema API when saving new entities through the repository.
这是为了工作,还是我错过了什么?我使用的是 Solr 6.2.0 和 Spring Boot 1.4.1.
Is this intended to work, or what am I missing? I am using Solr 6.2.0 with Spring Boot 1.4.1.
I've run into the same problem. After some debugging, I've found the root cause why the schema creation (or update) is not happening at all:
通过使用 @EnableSolrRepositories
注释,Spring 扩展会将工厂 bean 添加到创建存储库中使用的 SolrTemplate
的上下文中.此模板初始化一个 SolrPersistentEntitySchemaCreator
By using the @EnableSolrRepositories
annotation, an Spring extension will add a factory-bean to the context that creates the SolrTemplate
that is used in the repositories. This template initialises a SolrPersistentEntitySchemaCreator
, which should do the creation/update.
public void afterPropertiesSet() {
if (this.mappingContext == null) {
this.mappingContext = new SimpleSolrMappingContext(
new SolrPersistentEntitySchemaCreator(this.solrClientFactory)
// ...
Problem is that the flag schemaCreationFeatures
(which enables the creator) is set after the factory calls the afterPropertiesSet()
, so it's impossible for the creator to do it's work.
我将在 spring-data-solr 问题跟踪器中创建一个问题.现在看不到任何解决方法,其他要么使用自定义的分支/构建 spring-data 或扩展一堆 spring-class 并尝试通过使用之前设置标志(但对此表示怀疑).
I'll create an issue in the spring-data-solr issue tracker. Don't see any workaround right now, other either having a custom fork/build of spring-data or extend a bunch of spring-classes and trying to get the flag set before by using (but doubt of this can be done).
这篇关于在 spring-boot-starter-data-solr 中启用 schemaCreationSupport的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!