

我正在运行 Camel Spring OSGI 应用程序.Camel 上下文是通过 Spring 初始化的.当 bundle 停止时,我需要做一些清理活动,比如取消注册消息监听器.我怎么做?有没有我可以覆盖的方法?我知道 OSGI 包必须提供激活器启动和停止方法,但我的理解是 Camel/Spring/OSGI 框架覆盖了这些方法.

I'm running a Camel Spring OSGI application. The Camel context is initialized through Spring.When the bundle stops, I need to do some clean-up activities, like de-registering the message listener. How do I do that? Is there a method I can override? I understand that an OSGI bundle must provide the activator start and stop methods but my understanding also is that the Camel/Spring/OSGI framework overrides these methods.

我的 beanx.xml:

My beanx.xml:

  <camelContext id="camel" xmlns="http://camel.apache.org/schema/spring">
    <routeBuilder ref="outboundBuilder" />


public class MyRouteBuilder extends RouteBuilder {
    public void configure() {


只是对 Bilgin Ibryam 的正确答案进行一点扩展.

Just to expand a little on the answer of Bilgin Ibryam which is correct.

Camel 能够将策略应用于路由.此策略在运行时控制路由.这将允许您在路线生命周期的某些事件中执行自定义逻辑.

Camel has the ability to apply a policy to a route. This Policy controls routes at runtime. This will allow you to do custom logic at certain events of the route life time.


声明一个扩展 RoutePolicySupport 然后覆盖您感兴趣的方法的新类相当简单.

It is rather simple declare a new class which extends RoutePolicySupport then override the methods you are interested in.

public class MyRoutePolicy extends RoutePolicySupport{

        public void onStart(Route route) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

    public void onStop(Route route) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

    public void onExchangeBegin(Route route, Exchange exchange) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        super.onExchangeBegin(route, exchange);


现在在你的路由构建器 configure() 方法中使用路由,如下所示:

Now use the route in your routebuilder configure() method like this:

 RoutePolicy policy = new MyRoutePolicy();
   .setBody().constant("A Message Like Hello World")

如果您只是使用带有路由的 Spring XML,请添加以下内容:

If you were just using a Spring XML with a route then add the following:

<bean id="policy" class="MyRoutePolicy"/>

<camelContext xmlns="http://camel.apache.org/schema/spring">
   <route id="foo" routePolicyRef="MyRoutePolicy">
     <from uri="timer://blah"/>
     <setBody><constant>A Message Like Hello World</constant></setBody>
     <to uri="mock:meh"/>


05-27 04:02