本文介绍了" GET"鼎AngularJS资源在MSIE 9返回空数组的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!
在使用从 $资源
的要求,对成功的响应是Microsoft Internet空数组资源管理器9只。
When using the GET
request from a $resource
, the response on success is an empty array in Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 only.
- 使用FF或Chrome浏览器时,
请求返回的开发和当地环境数据的数组。 - 在IE9访问本地服务器,获取请求返回数据的数组。
- Using FF or Chrome, the
request returns an array of data in both development and local environments. - IE9 accessing a local server, the "GET" request returns an array of data.
- IE9访问的发展服务器,则返回一个空数组。
- IE9 accessing the development server, an empty array is returned.
- 在IE9访问的发展服务器:
- 键入的URL的REST API将成功返回数据的数组。 ✓
- 通过调试步进验证发送到服务器的数据是数字和正确的值的。 ✓
- 发布数据到另一个$资源工作正常 - 数据持久保存在数据库中,是正确的。 ✓
- 通过调试器步进显示了成功的方法空数组。 ✗
- In IE9 accessing the development server:
- typing in the URL to the REST API will successfully return an array of data. ✓
- stepping through the debugger verifies that the data sent to the server are numbers and of the correct value. ✓
- POSTing data to another $resource works fine - data is persisted in the database and is correct. ✓
- stepping through the debugger shows an empty array in the success method. ✗
- 在REST API的工作,因为直接要求退货的数据
- 角应该是工作,因为结果在FF和铬返回
- 是否有任何其他提示来调试这个问题?
- 在什么能这样做的原因是什么?
- 是否与Ajax请求任何IE9的具体问题?
- AngularJS 1.2.0 $资源响应为空 - 在我的情况,我得到的回应,它只是一个空数组
- AngularJS厂HTTP返回空 - 目前的问题是,IE9仅
- AngularJS 1.2.0 $resource response is empty - in my case, I get a response, it's just an empty array
- AngularJS factory http returns empty - current issue is IE9 only
var AnswerSetBySubjectByForm = function($resource) { return $resource('/rest/answerset/subject/:idSubject/form/:idForm', { idSubject : '@idSubject', idForm : '@idForm'}, {'get' : {method:'GET', isArray:true}} ); };
var AnswerSetController = function($scope, AnswerSetBySubjectByForm) { ... $scope.$on('loadAnswerSets', function(e, idSubject, idForm) { if (angular.isNumber(idSubject) && angular.isNumber(idForm)) { AnswerSetBySubjectByForm.get({ idSubject : idSubject, idForm : idForm }, function(answerSets) { /* answerSets is an empty array in IE9 only */ $scope.answerSets = angular.copy(answerSets); }); } }); ...
... app .factory('AnswerSetBySubjectByForm', ['$resource', AnswerSetBySubjectByForm]) .controller('AnswerSetController', ['$scope', 'AnswerSetBySubjectByForm', AnswerSetController]) ...
任何帮助调试这将是极大的AP preciated!先谢谢了。
Any help in debugging this would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.
在你的角度code到被缓存prevent GET请求做到这一点
Do this in your angular code to prevent GET requests being cached
app.config(['$httpProvider', function ($httpProvider) { //Disable caching and make sure the call is made for each GET request. //Especially for IE, disable ajax get request caching $httpProvider.defaults.headers.get = $httpProvider.defaults.headers.get || {}; $httpProvider.defaults.headers.get['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache'; $httpProvider.defaults.headers.get['Pragma'] = 'no-cache'; }]);
这篇关于" GET"鼎AngularJS资源在MSIE 9返回空数组的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!