


I've written a windows service in C# that converts wav files into mp3 and then stores them on a remote server. On my development rig (OS: WinXP SP3) the service starts up fine and runs the way it's supposed to.

当我安装了它的生产机器:它无法启动及时,并保持在一个恒定的启动​​状态(OS WinServer 2000),在启动该服务。该方案显然是工作,但因为文件被转换和传输。

When I installed it the production machine (OS: WinServer 2000), upon starting the service it fails to start in a timely fashion, and remains in a constant "Starting" status. The program is clearly working though since the files are being converted and transferred.

我的直觉是,这个问题在定时器组成部分,我认为Windows 2000 Server的计算机上,定时器可能会导致系统注册该程序为启动。

My hunch is that the problem is in the timer component, I think that on the Windows 2000 Server machine, the timer may be causing the system to register the program as "Starting".

有什么我失踪有关Windows Server 2000?

Is there something I'm missing about Windows Server 2000?



I'm not familiar with writing services in .NET, but in general, the thread that is used to start the service and report its initial status should not be the same thread that performs the actual work. The service should spawn a worker thread so the entry point can return status to the SCM quickly.


05-27 03:07