

我在PostgreSQL函数中有一个临时表,我想插入一个新的 VARCHAR 列。它的值应取决于表的另一列,称为金额。

I have a temporary table in a PostgreSQL function and I want to insert a new VARCHAR column. It should have a value that depends on another column of the table, named "amount".


When the amount is positive I would like the value of the column row to be credit and when the value is negative the column should be debit.


I have one more request: I want to round the value of amount column in 2 decimal digits



我最初说的是 ALTER TABLE ...添加列...使用,但这在两个方面是错误的。 添加列 DEFAULT 而不是使用-您可以不能一do而就,因为 DEFAULT 表达式和 USING 表达式都不能引用其他列。

I initially said ALTER TABLE ... ADD COLUMN ... USING but that was wrong on two counts. ADD COLUMN takes a DEFAULT not USING - and You can't do it in one pass because neither a DEFAULT expression nor a USING expression may not refer to other columns.


 ALTER TABLE tablename ADD COLUMN colname varchar;
 UPDATE tablename SET colname = ( CASE WHEN othercol < 0 THEN 'Credit' ELSE 'Debit' END );

请仔细考虑零应该是借方还是贷方,并调整 CASE

Think carefully about whether zero should be 'Debit' or 'Credit' and adjust the CASE accordingly.

要舍入,请使用。您的问题中没有足够的细节让我确定如何做到;可能是通过 UPDATE 使用 UPDATE修改临时表,而表SET量= round(amount,2),但是没有上下文很难知道这是否正确。 该语句不可撤消地丢弃信息,因此只能在数据副本上使用。

For rounding, use round(amount,2). There isn't enough detail in your question for me to be sure how; probably by UPDATEing the temp table with UPDATE thetable SET amount = round(amount,2) but without the context it's hard to know if that's right. That statement irreversibly throws information away so it should only be used on a copy of the data.


05-27 02:11