This is probably an incredibly obvious question, but I just can't figure it out.
I have a Windows Form managed by the form designer. I'd like to include a custom user control, also managed by the form designer. But I'm unable to get the custom control to show up in the Toolbox, even if I try manually adding it under the "Choose Items..." dialog.
这两个窗体和控件在同一个组件。我试着控制分离成一个单独的程序,以便按照指示这里到信中,都无济于事。我还使用C ++ / CLI,如果改变任何东西。
Both form and control are in the same assembly. I've tried separating the control into a separate assembly in order to follow the instructions here to the letter, to no avail. I'm also using C++/CLI, if that changes anything.
Is there an attribute or such I should be setting to my control in order for it to appear in the Designer Toolbox?
是的,有一个。唯一一个我知道,$ P $的pvents从显示出来工具箱中如果类是在同一项目中的控制。工具+选项,Windows窗体设计器,通用,AutoToolboxPopulate应设置为True。的默认值。
Yes, there is one. The only one I'm aware of that prevents a control from showing up in the toolbox if the class is in the same project. Tools + Options, Windows Forms Designer, General, AutoToolboxPopulate should be set to True. The default value.