In my spreadsheet I have a trivial script, which is adding a new row and getting the cursor into the second cell of the new row:
function rowadd() {
var d_akt = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var a_akt = d_akt.getActiveSheet();
var w_akt = a_akt.getActiveRange().getRow();
a_akt.insertRowsBefore(w_akt, 1);
a_akt.setActiveRange(a_akt.getRange(w_akt, 2));
The script runs when a user presses a button in the sheet. Works almost fine, but after the script ends the cursor is in the right cell, but i cant write in that cell without a mouse click. Looks like the navigation is not in the sheet.Can't find any solution how to fix that issue.
You can create a menu of your own like this:
function onOpen()
SpreadsheetApp.getUi().createMenu('My Menu').addItem('Description','functionName').addToUi();
We typically put it in a simple trigger onOpen() function so that it runs whenever you open the file. You can learn more about it here.
Another option is to create a sidebar dialog and put buttons there. That's a little more effort but the pay of is that you don't have to open up a drop down menu. You can just click on a button immediately.