我在一台机器上运行Word VSTO加载项时遇到一个奇怪的问题,运行Visual Studio项目会打开word,但据我所知,并没有尝试启动加载项.
I've got a strange issue with a Word VSTO add-in on one machine where running the visual studio project opens word but does not attempt to start the add in as far as I can tell.
I got to this point because I accidentally clicked Remove for the Add-in on the Manage COM Add-ins page, instead of re-enabling it after a failure.
I want to know how to re-enable a deleted add-in - I'm thinking that perhaps there is a registry key somewhere I need to get rid of.
- 当我从Visual Studio运行项目时,它不会尝试完全启动,Word立即启动,没有任何失败的东西"键入暂停.
- 在ThisAddIn_Startup中没有断点被击中.
- 在Word中:文件/选项/加载项-加载项不会出现在非活动或禁用的加载项"下
- Word:管理COM加载项Go ...它不出现.
- 字词:管理禁用的项目进入..."为空.
- When I run the project from Visual Studio it does not attempt tostart up at all, Word starts instantly with no "something-is-failing"type pause.
- No breakpoints in ThisAddIn_Startup are hit.
- In Word : File/Options/Add-ins - the add-in does not appear under Inactive or Disabled Addins
- Word : Manage COM Add-ins Go... it does not appear.
- Word : Manage Disabled Items Go... is empty.
我已经尝试安装和卸载已发布的版本,以查看是否能唤醒所有内容,并且我尝试更改VS项目的路径,以防万一有所作为(以及各种重新启动,清理,重建) ,从git本地删除并重新克隆等),但我找不到使它重新工作的方法.在另一台机器上,从Git克隆加载项,然后在Visual Studio中打开它,一切正常.
I've tried installing and uninstalling the published version, to see if that wakes anything up, and I've tried changing the path of the VS project, just in case that makes a difference (and various restarts, cleans, rebuilds, locally deleting and re-cloning from git etc) but I can't find a way to get this to work again. On a different machine, cloning the add-in from Git and opening it in Visual Studio and its all fine.
我尝试通过COM加载项上的select DLL(或选择.)对话框重新添加,但是我选择的任何内容似乎都不是有效的加载项.
I've tried re-adding via the select DLL (or select .) dialog on the COM Add-ins but nothing I select appears to be a valid add-in.
Any help to figure out how to get back to a working development environment would be appreciated.
EDITThere's a lot going on below - so I thought I'd clarify that the successful solution was the online-repair of Office
What is the LoadBehaviour
in the registry? It should be 3
- 32位Word => Root \ Software \ Microsoft \ Office \ Word \ Addins \ add-in ID
- 64位Word => Root \ Software \ Wow6432Node \ Microsoft \ Office \ Word \ Addins \ add-in ID
根目录是 HKEY_CURRENT_USER 或 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE ,具体取决于是为当前用户还是为每个用户安装了该插件.
where Root is HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, depending on whether the addin is installed for current user or everyone.
If the value for LoadBehaviour
is not 3
, then change it to 3
and restart Word.
这是关于它的Microsoft文档: VSTO加载项的注册表项
Here is the Microsoft docs about it: Registry entries for VSTO Add-ins
If it still does not work, try to re-enable as it might be hard disabled:
- 在"管理"框中,将" COM加载项"更改为"禁用的加载项",然后单击"执行".
- 选择加载项,然后单击启用.点击关闭.现在可以再次加载该加载项...
- 返回 Manage 框中,将 Disabled Add-ins 更改为 COM Add-ins ,然后单击 Go .
- 选中禁用的加载项旁边的复选框.点击确定.
- In the Manage box, change COM Add-ins to Disabled Add-ins, and click Go.
- Select the add-in and click Enable. Click Close. Now the add-in can be loaded again...
- Back in the Manage box, change Disabled Add-ins to COM Add-ins, and then click Go.
- Check the checkbox next to the disabled add-in. Click OK.
Here is the Microsoft docs about it: How to: Re-enable a VSTO Add-in that has been disabled
Also, if you haven't done this already, it is worth setting VSTO_SUPPRESSDISPLAYALERTS
to 0
as described on this page: How do I enable VSTO error / display alerts?
如果上述方法均无济于事,则值得通过添加或删除程序对 Office 进行在线修复.
If none of the above helps, then it is worth doing a Online repair of Office from Add or Remove Programs.