我是Scala的新手,目前正在参与涉及Java和Scala模块的项目。现在我想使用byte []类型的参数从Java调用Scala方法。
I am new to Scala and work currently on a project involving both Java and a Scala modules. Now I'd like to call a Scala method from Java using a parameter of type byte[].
Scala方法有签名: def foo(data:Array [Byte])
The Scala method has the signature: def foo(data: Array[Byte])
Java调用如下所示: foo(x)
,其中x的类型为 byte []
The Java call looks like this: foo(x)
, where x has the type byte[]
The IDE tells me its not possible:
The method foo(Array) in the type Bar is not applicable for the arguments (byte[])
作为附加约束,不优选更改Scala方法。在Java方面,我尝试使用 Byte []
As an additional constraint it is not preferred to change the Scala method. On the Java side I tried using Byte[]
, but this didn't solve the problem. There must exist some conversion?
As others pointed out, there is no problem in conversion. My IDE is behaving erroneous, and showing imaginary errors which compile without problems. At this moment the call of the receive Method in the main-method in following code is marked with the error:
The method receive(Array) from the type ScalaByteReceiver refers to the missing type Array
But this code, which exemplifies my question, compiles fine and yields the expected result:
package stackOverflow;
public class JavaByteSender {
public static void main(String... args) {
new ScalaByteReceiver().receive(new byte[4]);
package stackOverflow
import stackOverflow._
class ScalaByteReceiver{
def receive(bytes: Array[Byte]) {
// prints 4
So Java and Scala understand each other nicely.