

主要是,我想知道RDFS/OWL的本体语言相对于使用标记系统(例如 http://www.schema.org/)来管理和创建元数据?

Mainly, I was wondering what advantages the ontology languages of RDFS/OWL has over using a markup system (such as http://www.schema.org/) for managing and creating metadata?

对于语义网"的不同概念应该如何在整体中融合在一起,我仍然感到非常困惑.RDF/RDFS/RDFa之间的关系?猫头鹰? URI?最后,XML和SQL/SPARQL?到目前为止,我已经阅读的所有关于它们的描述都是有意义的,但是例如,如果有人告诉我实现和查询本体,我不确定是否可以将它们用作工具.或任何可以提供的简单示例,将不胜感激.

I'm still very confused about how different concepts of the "Semantic Web" are supposed to fit together in the overall picture... The relation between RDF/RDFS/RDFa? OWL? URIs? and finally, XML and SQL/SPARQL? All the descriptions I've read about so far about them make sense individually, but I'm not sure if I could be able to use them as tools if someone were to tell me to implement and query an ontology, for instance. Or any simple examples that can be provided is greatly appreciated.


所以 Webster词库跟在的建议,然后转到 answers.semanticweb.com .为了方便在那里检索相应的问题,这里是链接:使用RDFS/OWL与XML之间有什么区别?

So Webster Thesaurus followed ashutosh raina's advice and went to answers.semanticweb.com. To facilitate retrieval of the corresponding question there, here is the link: What's the difference between using RDFS/OWL versus XML?

应该有一个脚本,将带有"语义网"标签的所有问题重定向到Answers.semanticweb. com;)

There should be a script redirecting all questions with the "semantic-web" tag to answers.semanticweb.com ;)


05-26 23:46