

我写了这个函数,应该做的StringPadRight(你好,10,0) - >Hello00000

I wrote this function that's supposed to do StringPadRight("Hello", 10, "0") -> "Hello00000".

char *StringPadRight(char *string, int padded_len, char *pad) {
    int len = (int) strlen(string);
    if (len >= padded_len) {
        return string;
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < padded_len - len; i++) {
        strcat(string, pad);
    return string;


It works but has some weird side effects... some of the other variables get changed. How can I fix this?



It might be helpful to know that printf does padding for you, using %-10s as the format string will pad the input right in a field 10 characters long

printf("|%-10s|", "Hello");


|Hello     |

在这种情况下, - 符号表示左对齐,则10的装置,在字段十字符和S意味着你对准串

In this case the - symbol means "Left align", the 10 means "Ten characters in field" and the s means you are aligning a string.

printf类型的格式在许多语言版本,有很多在网络上引用。这里是之一解释格式化标志。像往常一样是帮助过(主要是如何广泛的printf为S $一堂历史课p $垫)。

Printf style formatting is available in many languages and has plenty of references on the web. Here is one of many pages explaining the formatting flags. As usual WikiPedia's printf page is of help too (mostly a history lesson of how widely printf has spread).


05-26 23:25