我有这个字符串,它是cmd中 net time \SERVER_NAME 命令的结果:
I have this string which is a result of net time \SERVER_NAME command in cmd :
我想提取此字符串中显示的时间(在这种情况下为9:35:37 AM)。
I want to extract the time displayed in this string (9:35:37 AM in this case).I think it is done using some regex. Can anyone help please?
I want absolutly to use regular expressions, This command is not ran against just one server.
I finally opted for the API presented in this documentation ( http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa370612(v=vs.85).aspx ), it is apprently a reliable one since it is using NTP.
如果您正在尝试与具有多种区域性的机器进行对话-并且如果您正在运行 的系统的区域性也可能有所不同-我强烈建议您避免使用这种基于文本的方法。
If you're trying to talk to machines with multiple cultures - and if the culture of the system on which you're running may vary as well - I would strongly advise that you avoid this text-based approach.
Instead, consider using the NetRemoteTOD
function. There may be a managed version of this, but if not you can use P/Invoke to call it - see the relevant pinvoke.net entry. This will allow you to get the appropriate value without any text handling, making things much cleaner.
原始答案,这将使您在没有任何文本处理的情况下获得适当的值 。 (可能对其他人有用)
Original answer (may be useful to others)
在工作后,我将使用 DateTime.Parse
Well I would use DateTime.Parse
rather than a regular expression, after working out which part is the actual date/time. For example:
int startIndex = text.IndexOf(" is ") + 4;
DateTime dateTime = DateTime.Parse(text.Substring(startIndex));
该值将作为 DateTime
That will get the value as a DateTime
- you can then format just the time part however you want, e.g.
string time24 = dateTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss"); "09:35:37"
string time12 = dateTime.ToString("h:mm:ss tt"); "9:35:37 AM"
Note that this is very likely to be culture-sensitive; the code may well not work in other cultures. If you want to make this more reliable, I would stop using net time
and instead use an API to talk to the server - I would really hope there'd be a way of doing this without using text handling...
If you really, really just want "whatever the part of the original string is after the date" then yes, you could use a regular expression - but I think it would be better to parse the value as a date/time to make sure it's genuinely the relevant data.