I am attempting to use Zeep to describe the operations and types in a given WSDL, so that a program knows the operation names, their parameter names, the parameter types, and parameter attributes.
This info will be used to dynamically generate a UI for a given WSDL.
What I have got so far is just the string representations of the operations and types. Using code similar to what is found in this answer.
from zeep import Client
import operator
wsdl = 'http://webservices.amazon.com/AWSECommerceService/AWSECommerceService.wsdl'
client = Client(wsdl)
# get each operation signature
for service in client.wsdl.services.values():
print("service:", service.name)
for port in service.ports.values():
operations = sorted(
for operation in operations:
print("method :", operation.name)
print(" input :", operation.input.signature())
# get a specific type signature by name
complextype = client.get_type('ns0:CartGetRequest')
This gives an output like the following (shortened for brevity)
method : CartCreate
input : MarketplaceDomain: xsd:string, AWSAccessKeyId: xsd:string, AssociateTag: xsd:string, Validate: xsd:string, XMLEscaping: xsd:string, Shared: ns0:CartCreateRequest, Request: ns0:CartCreateRequest[]
method : CartGet
input : MarketplaceDomain: xsd:string, AWSAccessKeyId: xsd:string, AssociateTag: xsd:string, Validate: xsd:string, XMLEscaping: xsd:string, Shared: ns0:CartGetRequest, Request: ns0:CartGetRequest[]
{http://webservices.amazon.com/AWSECommerceService/2011-08-01}CartGetRequest(CartId: xsd:string, HMAC: xsd:string, MergeCart: xsd:string, ResponseGroup: xsd:string[])
The string representations returned by .signature() have the names and types, but I don't know how to parse them out individually. I have tried looping over each objects attrs with dir() as well, and they don't contain this info. It seems to be nested much deeper.
我可以自己解析字符串表示形式,但是然后我也遗漏了该参数是否可选(更具体地说,如果它具有minOccurs = 0的属性
I could parse the string representations themselves, but then I am also missing whether or not the parameter is optional (more specifically, if it has the attribute minOccurs=0
似乎 SOAPpy实际上具有此功能,但不再维护.
So is there a way to introspect a WSDL with zeep that provides granular information about each operation, it's parameter names, types, and attributes similar to the SOAPpy implementation? Or should I parse the signature, or alternatively, parse the WSDL with a regular XML parser.
You can access parameter elements with operation.input.body.type.elements
, which is a list of tuples containing element objects. These objects contain information such as the type.
(Pdb) operation.input.body.type.elements
[('MarketplaceDomain', <Element(name='MarketplaceDomain', type=<zeep.xsd.types.builtins.String object at 0x7f1bd8a4b320>)>), ('AWSAccessKeyId', <Element(name='AWSAccessKeyId', type=<zeep.xsd.types.builtins.String object at 0x7f1bd8a4b320>)>), ('AssociateTag', <Element(name='AssociateTag', type=<zeep.xsd.types.builtins.String object at 0x7f1bd8a4b320>)>), ('Validate', <Element(name='Validate', type=<zeep.xsd.types.builtins.String object at 0x7f1bd8a4b320>)>), ('XMLEscaping', <Element(name='XMLEscaping', type=<zeep.xsd.types.builtins.String object at 0x7f1bd8a4b320>)>), ('Shared', <Element(name='Shared', type=<zeep.xsd.dynamic_types.BrowseNodeLookupRequest object at 0x7f1bd8177e48>)>), ('Request', <Element(name='Request', type=<zeep.xsd.dynamic_types.BrowseNodeLookupRequest object at 0x7f1bd8177e48>)>)]
(Pdb) operation.input.body.type.elements[0][1].name
(Pdb) operation.input.body.type.elements[0][1].type.name
(Pdb) operation.input.body.type.elements[0][1].is_optional
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