



此处他们表示插入的时间复杂性更糟糕的是 O(1),并且为了得到O(n),为什么会这样?


有些方法可以减轻最坏情况的行为,例如通过使用自我 - 平衡树而不是桶溢出的链表 - 这会将最坏情况的行为减少到O(logn)而不是O(n)。

What is the worst case time complexity of an Hashmap when the hashcode of it's keys are always equal.

In my understanding: As every key has the same hashcode it will always go to the same bucket and loop through it to check for equals method so for both get and put the time complexity should be O(n), Am I right?

I was looking at this HashMap get/put complexity but it doesn't answer my question.

Also here Wiki Hash Table they state the worse case time complexity for insert is O(1) and for get O(n) why is it so?


Yes, in the worst case your hash map will degenerate into a linked list and you will suffer an O(N) penalty for lookups, as well as inserts and deletions, both of which require a lookup operation (thanks to the comments for pointing out the mistake in my earlier answer).

There are some ways of mitigating the worst-case behavior, such as by using a self-balancing tree instead of a linked list for the bucket overflow - this reduces the worst-case behavior to O(logn) instead of O(n).


05-26 21:03