本文介绍了NTLM 代理背后的 NPM的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


是否可以在使用 npm installhref="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NTLM">NTLM 身份验证?如果可以,如何设置服务器的地址和端口、用户名和密码?

Is it possible to run npm install behind an HTTP proxy, which uses NTLM authentication? If yes, how can I set the server's address and port, the username, and the password?


我是这样解决的(操作系统:Windows XP SP3):

I solved it this way (OS: Windows XP SP3):

1. 下载 CNTLM 安装程序并运行它.

1. Download CNTLM installer and run it.

2. 在 cntlm.ini 中查找并填写这些字段.不要填写密码字段,将未加密的密码存储在文本文件中绝不是一个好主意.

2. Find and fill in these fields in cntlm.ini. Do not fill in the Password field, it's never a good idea to store unencrypted passwords in text files.

Domain      YOUR_DOMAIN
Listen      53128

3. 打开控制台,然后键入这些命令以生成密码哈希.

3. Open console, and type these commands to generate password hashes.

> cd c:	he_install_directory_of_cntlm
> cntlm -H
Password: ...type proxy password here...
PassLM          D6888AC8AE0EEE294D954420463215AE
PassNT          0E1FAED265D32EBBFB15F410D27994B2
PassNTLMv2      91E810C86B3FD1BD14342F945ED42CD6

4. 将以上三行复制到cntlm.ini 中,在Domain 字段的行下.再次,不要填写Password字段.保存cntlm.ini.

4. Copy the above three lines into cntlm.ini, under the Domain field's line. Once more, do not fill in the Password field. Save cntlm.ini.

5. 打开服务管理器(从命令行:services.msc),并启动名为CNTLM Authentication Proxy"的服务.

5. Open the Service Manager (from command line: services.msc), and start the service called "CNTLM Authentication Proxy".

6. 在控制台中,输入以下几行:

6. In the console, type these lines:

> npm config set proxy http://localhost:53128
> npm config set https-proxy http://localhost:53128
> npm config set registry https://registry.npmjs.org

7. 现在 npm viewnpm install 等应该可以工作了.示例:

7. Now npm view, npm install etc. should work. Example:

> npm view qunit
...nice answer, no errors :)

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05-26 20:48