


In the HTML media playback sample there's a code that demonstrates how to add subtitles to the video:

    <video id="subtitleVideo" style="position: relative; z-index: auto; width: 50%;"
        poster="images/Win8MediaLogo.png" loop controls>
        <track id="scenario3entrack" src="media/sample-subtitle-en.vtt" kind="subtitles"
            srclang="en" default>

它工作正常,但当我将字幕轨道src更改为 src = http://gilevskaya.com/subs.vtt,字幕停止工作。

It works fine, but when I change subtitle track src to src="http://gilevskaya.com/subs.vtt", subtitles stop working.


The file being served is the same, why doesn't it work and how to fix it?


我在自己的域上重新创建了这个问题。起初字幕没有显示。我注意到Visual Studio中的JavaScript控制台出错。

I've recreated the issue on my own domain. At first the subtitles didn't show. I noticed an error in the JavaScript Console in Visual Studio.

所以我添加了mime类型。我的网站在Apache上运行。我将此行添加到 .htaccess 文件中:

So I added the mime type. My site runs on Apache. I added this line to the .htaccess file:

这会将 .vtt 类型设置为是 text / vtt 并将编码设置为 utf-8

This sets the .vtt type to be text/vtt and set the encoding to utf-8.


I'm sure it's not hard to find the ways of adding mime types for other servers.

我是我的情况我必须添加www 也是网址...但我认为这与服务器的设置方式有关。你可能不需要这个。

I'm my case I had to add the "www" to the url too... But I think this has something to do with the way the server is set up. You might not need this.


05-26 20:30