


I have a Java code which I need to generate the class diagrams and sequence diagrams. I am using netbeans, but the code is 100% pure hand coded. How can I generate the class diagrams and sequence diagrams for existing code using netbeans?


The code is separated into packages, so I need to generate class diagrams package wise. Which means, for an example, diagram 1 for package 1, diagram 2 for package 2 etc. Finally I need to take the generated GUI as an image.



IMO,为您自己编写的代码生成UML图是毫无意义的. UML的价值是作为设计辅助,在较小程度上是反向工程辅助.如果您打算为现有的易于理解的代码生成代码文档,那么Javadoc可能比UML更好,而且工作量也要少得多.

IMO, generating UML diagrams for code that you have written yourself is kind of pointless. The value of UML is as a design aid and to a lesser extent as a reverse engineering aid. If you are intent on generating code documentation for existing well-understood code, Javadoc is probably better value than UML, and a lot less work.


The other problem is that generated UML class diagrams tend to be ugly because they tend to include more detail than is necessary, and because you need a human eye to lay things out decently. The same probably goes for sequence diagrams.


But if that hasn't convinced you, these links should help you do it.

从NetBeans IDE生成UML


Take a screen shot of the GUI using the tools provided by your OS.


05-26 20:09