g_lngScroll = g_hLC.Window.Document.Body.ScrollRectangle.Top
I posted this before and got no answers, so lets try again. Now that IE8 is being shoved down as a high priority update, all of my customers are, to say the least, bitter.
I have an application that uses an the Browser control object, where data is constantly being appended to the body of the document. As new data comes in, the document will scroll to the end so that the latest information is displayed. The following code worked perfectly when IE6 and 7 were being used, and now the IE8 folks tell me that it scrolls to the top instead of the bottom, making my application useless.
g_lngScroll = g_hLC.Window.Document.Body.ScrollRectangle.Top
如果 g_lngScroll> = g_lngLast - 30 然后
If g_lngScroll >= g_lngLast - 30 Then
g_hLC.Window.ScrollTo(0, ScrollMax)
g_lngScroll = g_hLC.Window.Document.Body.ScrollRectangle.Top
g_lngScroll = g_hLC.Window.Document.Body.ScrollRectangle.Top
g_lngLast = g_lngScroll
g_lngLast = g_lngScroll
结束 If
End If
Whats the solution?