3天前,我们收到了来自Facebook开发人员页面的警报,通知我们我们的一个应用程序已达到每小时费率限制的100%.我们的应用程序有一个错误,导致昨天下午解决的APIS调用数量增加.自从我们部署了该修补程序以来,我们看到在API调用图(图中:应用程序级别速率限制")中,我们没有达到限制,但是对Facebook APIS的调用仍然失败.我们想知道在没有达到该限制后是否有一段时间恢复对API的访问.
3 days ago we received an alert from the facebook developers page inform us that one of our apps had reached 100% of the hourly rate limit. Our application had an error that caused the increase in calls to the APIS that we solved yesterday afternoon. Since that we deployed the fix we see that in API calls graph (graph: "Application Level Rate Limiting") we don't reach the limit but the calls to the facebook APIS still failing. We want to know if there is a period of time to recover access to the APIs after not reaching that limit.
Here you can see a screenshot of the alert:alert
In the response headers of one of the calls, we receive this error:
Status code: 403Header name: WWW-AuthenticateHeader value: OAuth "Facebook Platform" "invalid_request" "(#4) Application request limit reached
您现在不是唯一的人: https://developers.facebook.com/support/bugs/169774397034403/
You are not the only one right now:https://developers.facebook.com/support/bugs/169774397034403/
But i suppose it should be gone after a day or a few hours, in my experience, sometimes i can make a few calls and then it shuts me off again, while our application is not that api call intensive.
这篇关于达到Facebook API调用速率限制的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!