


 公共静态布尔HasFive< T>(这个IEnumerable的< T>学科) 
如果(科目== NULL)

返回subjects.Count()== 5;

你认为这空检查和异常抛出真的是必要的吗?我的意思是,当我使用计数方法, ArgumentNullException 将反正扔了吧?



注意: COUNT()是一个扩展方法的将会的抛出 ArgumentNullException ,而不是的NullReferenceException 。请参见。自己尝试一下,如果你不相信我=)

注2 这里给出的答案后,我一直在说服开始检查多为空值。我还懒的,所以我已经开始使用实施类的。可以建议采取看看吧。相反,我的例子,我可以做到这一点,而不是:

 公共静态布尔HasFive< T>(这个IEnumerable的< T>科目)
返回subjects.Count()== 5;


是的,它会抛出一个 ArgumentNullException 。我能想到的两个原因把额外的检查中:

  • 如果您以后回来之前调用改做事情的方法 subjects.Count()忘记把支票在这一点上,你可以在异常抛出之前,这是不是很好用的副作用结束。

  • 目前,堆栈跟踪将显示 subjects.Count()上方,并可能与使用源参数名称。这可能会产生混淆 HasFive 的调用者谁可以看到主题参数名称。


要调用 subjects.Count()将抛出一个 ArgumentNullException 的一个的NullReferenceException COUNT()是另一种扩展方法在这里,假设在 System.Linq.Enumerable 的实施正在被使用,这是记录(正确)抛出 ArgumentNullException 。 。试试吧,如果你不相信我的话。



 内部静态无效ThrowIfNull< T>(这件T的说法,字符串名称)
如果(参数== NULL)


 公共静态布尔HasFive< T>(这个IEnumerable的< T>学科)
subjects.ThrowIfNull (科目);
返回subjects.Count()== 5;


 内部静态牛逼NullGuard< T>(这件T的说法,字符串名称)
如果(参数== NULL)


 公共静态布尔HasFive< T>(这个IEnumerable的< T>科目)。
返回subjects.NullGuard(科)计数()== 5;


this.name = name.NullGuard(名称);
this.age =年龄;


Lets say I have this extention method:

public static bool HasFive<T>(this IEnumerable<T> subjects)
    if(subjects == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException("subjects");

    return subjects.Count() == 5;

Do you think this null check and exception throwing is really necessary? I mean, when I use the Count method, an ArgumentNullException will be thrown anyways, right?

I can maybe think of one reason why I should, but would just like to hear others view on this. And yes, my reason for asking is partly laziness (want to write as little as possible), but also because I kind of think a bunch of null checking and exception throwing kind of clutters up the methods which often end up being twice as long as they really needed to be. Someone should know better than to send null into a method :p

Anyways, what do you guys think?

Note: Count() is an extension method and will throw an ArgumentNullException, not a NullReferenceException. See Enumerable.Count<TSource> Method (IEnumerable<TSource>). Try it yourself if you don't believe me =)

Note2: After the answers given here I have been persuaded to start checking more for null values. I am still lazy though, so I have started to use the Enforce class in Lokad Shared Libraries. Can recommend taking a look at it. Instead of my example I can do this instead:

public static bool HasFive<T>(this IEnumerable<T> subjects)
    Enforce.Argument(() => subjects);
    return subjects.Count() == 5;

Yes, it will throw an ArgumentNullException. I can think of two reasons for putting the extra checking in:

  • If you later go back and change the method to do something before calling subjects.Count() and forget to put the check in at that point, you could end up with a side effect before the exception is thrown, which isn't nice.
  • Currently, the stack trace will show subjects.Count() at the top, and probably with a message with the source parameter name. This could be confusing to the caller of HasFive who can see a subjects parameter name.

EDIT: Just to save me having to write it yet again elsewhere:

The call to subjects.Count() will throw an ArgumentNullException, not a NullReferenceException. Count() is another extension method here, and assuming the implementation in System.Linq.Enumerable is being used, that's documented (correctly) to throw an ArgumentNullException. Try it if you don't believe me.

EDIT: Making this easier...

If you do a lot of checks like this you may want to make it simpler to do so. I like the following extension method:

internal static void ThrowIfNull<T>(this T argument, string name)
    where T : class
    if (argument == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException(name);

The example method in the question can then become:

public static bool HasFive<T>(this IEnumerable<T> subjects)
    return subjects.Count() == 5;

Another alternative would be to write a version which checked the value and returned it like this:

internal static T NullGuard<T>(this T argument, string name)
    where T : class
    if (argument == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException(name);
    return argument;

You can then call it fluently:

public static bool HasFive<T>(this IEnumerable<T> subjects)
    return subjects.NullGuard("subjects").Count() == 5;

This is also helpful for copying parameters in constructors etc:

public Person(string name, int age)
    this.name = name.NullGuard("name");
    this.age = age;

(You might want an overload without the argument name for places where it's not important.)


05-26 16:36