


This is an offshoot of my other question: How to chain Optional#ifPresent() in lambda without nesting?


However, the problem now is how to provide a lambda solution where all of the optional values are available at the innermost scope:

B b = procA().flatMap(this::procB).orElseThrow(SomeException::new);

// Value from procA() is not available.


void SomeMethod() {
    procA().ifPresent(a -> {
       procB(a).ifPresent(b -> {
          // Do something with a and b


    throw new SomeException();

我理解返回在最里面的范围是错误的。新的 flatMap 示例说明了正确的行为。

I understand that the return at the innermost scope is wrong. The new flatMap example illustrates the correct behavior.

我正在使用 ifPresent()而不是 get()以避免潜在的运行时异常,我可能无法检查可选的值是否为isPresent()

I am using ifPresent() instead of get() to avoid potential runtime exceptions where I might fail to check whether the value of an optional isPresent().


我发现此问题非常有趣,因为链接的电话有潜在的 null 返回是一种常见的麻烦,而Optional可以大大缩短通常的空检查链。但问题是功能流方法的本质隐藏了映射函数中的中间值。嵌套是保持它们可用的一种方式,但是如果你已经意识到,如果调用链的长度增长,也会变得烦人。

I find this question very interesting as chained calls with potential null returns are a common nuisance, and Optional can shorten the usual null check chain a lot. But the issue there is that the nature of the functional stream methods hides the intermediate values in the mapping functions. Nesting is a way to keep them available, but can also get annoying if the length of the call chain grows, as you have realized.


I cannot think of an easy and lightweight solution, but if the nature of your project leads to these situations regularly, this util class could help:

public static class ChainedOptional<T>
    private final List<Object> intermediates;

    private final Optional<T>  delegate;

    private ChainedOptional(List<Object> previousValues, Optional<T> delegate)
        this.intermediates = new ArrayList<>(previousValues);
        this.delegate = delegate;

    public static <T> ChainedOptional<T> of(T value)
        return of(Optional.ofNullable(value));

    public static <T> ChainedOptional<T> of(Optional<T> delegate)
        return new ChainedOptional<>(new ArrayList<>(), delegate);

    public <R> ChainedOptional<R> map(Function<T, R> mapper)
        return new ChainedOptional<>(intermediates, delegate.map(mapper));

    public ChainedOptional<T> ifPresent(Consumer<T> consumer)
        return this;

    public ChainedOptional<T> ifPresent(BiConsumer<List<Object>, T> consumer)
        delegate.ifPresent(value -> consumer.accept(intermediates, value));
        return this;

    public <X extends Throwable> T orElseThrow(Supplier<? extends X> exceptionSupplier)
        throws X
        return delegate.orElseThrow(exceptionSupplier);

    public <X extends Throwable> T orElseThrow(Function<List<Object>, X> exceptionSupplier)
        throws X
        return orElseThrow(() -> exceptionSupplier.apply(intermediates));

您可以通过包装Optional或普通值来使用它。然后,当您使用 map 方法链接方法调用时,它将在列表中存储当前值时提供新的ChainedOptional。最后( ifPresent orElseThrow ),您不仅会获得最后一个值,还会获得所有值中间值。由于不知道将链接多少个调用,我找不到以类型安全的方式存储这些值的方法。

You use it by wrapping an Optional or a plain value. When you then use the map method to chain method calls, it will provide a new ChainedOptional while storing the current value in a list. At the end (ifPresent, orElseThrow), you will not only get the last value, but also the list of all intermediate values. Since it is not known how many calls will be chained, I did not find a way to store those values in a type-safe way, though.


               .map(s -> s + 1)
               .map(s -> "hello world")
               .map(s -> (String) null)
               .ifPresent((intermediates, result) -> {
                   System.out.println("Result: " + result);
               .orElseThrow(intermediates -> {
                   return new NoSuchElementException();

// [1, 2, hello world, null, null]
// Exception in thread "main" java.util.NoSuchElementException
//    at ...

               .map(s -> s + 1)
               .map(s -> "hello world")
               // .map(s -> (String) null)
               .ifPresent((intermediates, result) -> {
                   System.out.println("Result: " + result);
               .orElseThrow(intermediates -> {
                   return new NoSuchElementException();

// [1, 2, hello world, 11]
// Result: 11


Hope this helps. Let me know if you come up with a nicer solution.


05-26 16:10