Private Sub cmdQ2Opt1_Click()
工作表(UserQuestionnaire)。范围(C4)。Value =242.216.490
Private Sub cmdQ2Opt2_Click()
Worksheets(UserQuestionnaire)。Range(C4)。Value =354.129.401
End Sub
感谢您的帮助! 如果您在 Forms Designer 中分配图片,则路径不会存储为图片然后从工作簿本身的存储器中加载。
<$ p $ > code> dim path as string
path =C:\ ... \foo.jpg
set commandbutton1.Picture = loadpicture(path)
然后,您可以将路径存储在按钮 Tag
commandbutton1.Tag =路径
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(UserQuestionnaire)。Range C4)。Value = commandbutton1.Tag
I have constructed a UserForm that consists of 2 CommandButtons, each of which contains a Picture. The user is asked to select one of the two CommandButtons. I would like the filename of the picture selected to be copied to a cell in a worksheet. At the moment I can't figure out how to get the filename of the picture and so I have manually inserted the filename for each CommandButton, as such:
Private Sub cmdQ2Opt1_Click()
Worksheets("UserQuestionnaire").Range("C4").Value = "242.216.490"
End Sub
Private Sub cmdQ2Opt2_Click()
Worksheets("UserQuestionnaire").Range("C4").Value = "354.129.401"
End Sub
How can I code this so that VBA automatically copies the picture's filename?
Thanks in advance for the help!
If you assign the picture in the Forms Designer the path is not stored as the image is subsequently loaded from storage within the workbook itself.
To persist the path you would load at runtime:
dim path As string
path = "C:\...\foo.jpg"
set commandbutton1.Picture = loadpicture(path)
You can then store the path in the buttons Tag
commandbutton1.Tag = path
Then read it back when its clicked:
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("UserQuestionnaire").Range("C4").Value = commandbutton1.Tag
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