如何使用 xsl 1.0 获取文件名?
How can I get the file name using xsl 1.0?
<xsl:value-of select="base-uri()" />
在 XSLT v1/XPath v1 中没有这样的 XPath 函数,或者 XSLT 对 XPath 函数的 XSLT 扩展来做到这一点.
There is no such XPath function, or XSLT extension to XPath function to do this in XSLT v1/XPath v1.
很可能没有文件,即使 XSLT 引擎没有理由拥有该文件名(考虑将文件内容加载到缓冲区中,将缓冲区解析为 DOM,然后传递DOM 到 XSLT 处理器).
It is quite possible for there to be no file, and even if there is no reason for the XSLT engine to have that file name (consider loading the file content into a buffer, parsing the buffer into a DOM and then passing the DOM to the XSLT processor).
You will need to pass the filename into the processor to be available as a parameter in the transform.
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