我正在尝试添加一些有关物理尺寸的信息,以便在生成 PNG 之前打印它们.
I'm trying to tack on some information about the physical size for printing my PNGs just before they are generated.
阅读 libpng doc 和 pHYs 块规范很有帮助但我似乎无法破解它.
Reading the libpng doc and the pHYs chunk specifications has been helpful but I just can't seem to crack it.
我已尝试以最手动和最简单的方式添加此块,但是 .png 文件最终损坏.我错过了编码技巧吗?
I have tried adding this chunk in the most manual and simplest way possible, however, the .png file ends up corrupted. Am I missing an encoding trick?
对于 CRC 计算,我使用了 this site,已插入下面代码给我的块的 ASCII 值.
For the CRC computation I have used the 32-bit result of this site, having plugged in the ASCII values for the chunk that the code below gives me.
$encoded = $_POST['imgdata'];
$encoded = str_replace(' ', '+', $encoded);
$decoded= base64_decode($encoded);
$test = explode('IDAT',$decoded);
$ppu='00000000000000000010111000100011'; //32-bit integer for the pixels per unit
$test[0].=sprintf("%c",bindec('00000000000000000000000000001001')) //length, also 32-bit
.'pHYs' //type
. sprintf("%c",$dppu) //Pixels per unit, x axis
. sprintf("%c",$dppu) //Pixels per unit, y axis
.'1' //Units in metres (1 byte)
. sprintf("%c", bindec(base_convert('0x0BFAAA7E', 16, 2))) //CRC (32-bit)
echo $fintest;
请让我知道像这样入侵它是否可行.我也不确定我的 32 位整数:当我正在做正确的方法使它们成为 32 位时,是否对它们进行了零填充?
Please let me know whether hacking it in like this is likely to work. I am also unsure about my 32-bit integers: is zero-padding them as I am doing the correct way to make them 32-bit?
After having spent the day on this, I found that the way to do this was to translate everything byte by byte. Following the docs, the pHYs
chunk takes:
- 块(仅数据)长度为 4 个字节
- 4 个字节用于块类型(字符pHYs")
- 9 字节用于块数据:x 和 y 密度各 4 字节,单位选择 1 字节
- 4 个字节用于 CRC
我将所有这些都写成二进制字符串,必要时用 0 填充字节.然后事实证明, chr()
函数正确编码了它以在 PNG 文件中使用,这与我使用的 sprintf("%c",$string)
I wrote all this as a binary string, padding the bytes with 0 as necessary.It then turns out that the chr()
function correctly encodes this to be used in the PNG file, unlike the sprintf("%c",$string)
method I use in the question. Here is the code
$encoded = $_POST['imgdata'];
$encoded = str_replace(' ', '+', $encoded);
$decoded= base64_decode($encoded);
$binstring='00000000000000000000000000001001' //4-byte length
. '01110000010010000101100101110011' //4-byte type or 'pHYs'
. '000000000000000000101110001000110000000000000000001011100010001100000001' //9-byte data
. base_convert('0x0BFAAA7E', 16, 2); //4-byte CRC
foreach (str_split($binstring,8) as $b) {
然后将 $on 变量附加到 IDAT
块长度的 4 个字节之前的位置.
The $on variable is then appended to the position just before the 4 bytes of the IDAT
chunk length.
这篇关于在 php 中附加一个 png pHYs 块的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!