我有一个CWnd派生的自定义控件,我想放在MFC SDI视图窗口中。
我首先尝试了一种简单的方法,如。基本上派生一个CView类并使我的控件成为CView类的成员。适用于所有人,但输入焦点。 GetFocus()
是否有人有一些工作示例代码,或者一些链接,显示如何使用 CCtrlView
I have a CWnd derived custom control that I want to place in an MFC SDI view window.
I first tried the easy way as described in http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/313/Using-the-Grid-Control-in-a-Doc-View-framework. Basicly deriving a CView class and making my control a member of the CView class. Works great for all but the input focus. GetFocus()
always returns the CView window and not my control. This ends up disabling parts of my control so not really what I need.
I then tried deriving a class from CCtrlView as described in http://www.developer.com/net/cplus/article.php/627681/Deriving-CWnd-classes-from-CCtrlView.htm. Now I know this would be the proper way of doing it, but as the article is 15 years old the download and images no longer work for it. I know I am missing something but I can not figure out what it is. The code does not call my CWnd class' constructor so all my member variables are uninitialized and the app crashes as a result.
Does anyone have some working sample code, or a link to some, that shows how to use CCtrlView
to do what I want?
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