我为这个问题提供了两个数组的简单示例: labelArray
是一维数组,其索引处的标签与nD数组的相同索引相对应. someValuesArray
.我得到了标签2出现的所有索引,并希望检索 someValuesArray
I have made for this question an easier example of two arrays: The labelArray
is a 1D-array has labels at indices which corresponds to the same indices of the nD-array someValuesArray
. I get all indices where label 2 occurs and want to retrieve the values in someValuesArray
labelArray = [2,0,1,2]
someValuesArray= [array([[ 2.15072 , 2.12438 , 2.27047 , 2.64567 ,
2.22976 , 2.18186 ]], dtype=float32),
array([ [ 2.29442, 2.3087 , 2.3111 , 2.1962 , 2.23694, 2.16988]], dtype=float32)),
array([[2.82851 , 2.73032 , 2.78301 , 1.71722 , 1.81542 , 1.78189 ]], dtype=float32)),
array([[ 1.19271, 1.14721, 1.27894 , 1.16637, 1.23343, 1.21666]], dtype=float32)]
因此,如果我想要标签2,我会得到索引0和3,这应该给我相应数组 someValuesArray
So if I want label 2, I get indices 0 and 3, which should give me the values of the indices 0 and 3 in the corresponding array someValuesArray
但是当我想调用函数时,会收到TypeError @ array [indices]
But I receive a TypeError @ array[indices]
when I want to call my function.
TypeError: only integer scalar arrays can be converted to a scalar index
def searchValues(array, value):
labelArray = [2,0,1,2]
values_of_array = np.array(labelArray)
indices = np.where(values_of_array == value)[0]
return array[indices]
如注释中所述, someValuesArray
是2d numpy数组的列表.我已经将其转换为 np.array
As mentioned in the comments, someValuesArray
is a list of 2d numpy arrays.I've converted that to an np.array
.The code sample in your question attempts to index a python list with a numpy array, which causes the error message you receive.
In [111]: a=np.array(someValuesArray) # Convert to a numpy array
In [112]: a
array([[[ 2.15071988, 2.12438011, 2.2704699 , 2.64566994, 2.22975993, 2.18185997]],
[[ 2.29442 , 2.30870008, 2.31110001, 2.19619989, 2.23693991, 2.16987991]],
[[ 2.82851005, 2.73031998, 2.78301001, 1.71721995, 1.81542003, 1.78189003]],
[[ 1.19271004, 1.14721 , 1.27893996, 1.16637003, 1.23343003, 1.21666002]]], dtype=float32)
In [113]: def searchValues(array, value):
labelArray = [2,0,1,2]
values_of_array = np.array(labelArray)
indices = np.where(values_of_array == value)[0]
# print statements added to see what's happening
print("Indices: ", indices)
print("Array selection: \n", array[indices])
return array
Indices: [0 3]
Array selection:
[[[ 2.15071988 2.12438011 2.2704699 2.64566994 2.22975993 2.18185997]] # a[0]
[[ 1.19271004 1.14721 1.27893996 1.16637003 1.23343003 1.21666002]]] # a[3]
[[[ 2.15071988, 2.12438011, 2.2704699 , 2.64566994, 2.22975993, 2.18185997]],
[[ 2.29442 , 2.30870008, 2.31110001, 2.19619989, 2.23693991, 2.16987991]],
[[ 2.82851005, 2.73031998, 2.78301001, 1.71721995, 1.81542003, 1.78189003]],
[[ 1.19271004, 1.14721 , 1.27893996, 1.16637003, 1.23343003, 1.21666002]]], dtype=float32)
indices = np.where(values_of_array == value)[0]
Both indices returned by indices = np.where(values_of_array == value)[0]
are used to point to rows in the array.
您已经从函数中返回了整个数组:您真的要返回 array [indices]
You have returned the entire array from the function: did you really mean to return array[indices]
这篇关于Python TypeError:只有整数标量数组可以转换为标量索引的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!