


  • 在某些浏览器中,我们有两个PHPSESSID.
  • 我在脚本的任何地方都没有设置一个PHPSESSID
  • 它具有HOST(而不是我设置的PHPSESSID的DOMAIN)作为www.mywebsite.com
  • 我尝试使用setcookie:setcookie ("PHPSESSID", $_COOKIE['PHPSESSID'], time() - 864000, '/', 'www.mywebsite.com');删除它,但是失败.
  • 尝试使用以下命令删除cookie:setcookie ("PHPSESSID", $_COOKIE['PHPSESSID'], time() - 864000, '/');导致我设置的PHPSESSID被删除.
  • 我尝试使用session_name重命名我设置的SESSION.可以,但是几分钟后几次使我的服务器崩溃.
  • 我没办法了.
  • On some browsers, we have two PHPSESSIDs.
  • One PHPSESSID is not set by me anywhere in my script
  • It has HOST (instead of DOMAIN for the PHPSESSID I set) as www.mywebsite.com
  • I have tried deleting it using setcookie: setcookie ("PHPSESSID", $_COOKIE['PHPSESSID'], time() - 864000, '/', 'www.mywebsite.com'); but this fails.
  • An attempt to delete cookie using: setcookie ("PHPSESSID", $_COOKIE['PHPSESSID'], time() - 864000, '/'); results in the PHPSESSID I set being deleted.
  • I have tried using session_name to rename the SESSION I set. This works but crashed my server severally after some minutes.
  • I am out of options.


I am working with PHP sessions on my website.


The session path was /folder, later on I changed to / to fit the new purpose.


Now, old users cant login.


It seems they now have two PHPSESSIDs stored on their browsers - one with path /folder and the other /.


What can I do to ensure that old users can login while ensuring that the session is sitewide with "/".



When I said two phpsessionid, refer to the image

  1. 如果我使用
  2. ,则登录有效

A. session_set_cookie_params(864000, '/cv', '.website.com', 0, 1);


but fails to work if I use:

B. session_set_cookie_params(864000, '/', '.website.com', 0, 1);

  • 如果我使用上述版本2A,则该会话仅在/cv中可用,而在其他网站文件夹中则不可用./文件夹.


  • 当我运行alert(document.cookie)时,它将显示除PHPSESSID之外的所有cookie
  • 因此,所有删除PHPSESSID cookie的尝试都会失败,而其他cookie可以删除.


  • 当我var_dump($_COOKIE['PHPSESSID']);时,返回的是路径为/cv的PHPSESSID的值
  • 尝试用setcookie ("PHPSESSID", "", time() - 3600);删除失败.
  • When I var_dump($_COOKIE['PHPSESSID']); what is returned is the value of the PHPSESSID with path /cv
  • An attempt to delete with setcookie ("PHPSESSID", "", time() - 3600); fails.



I think you are mixing up things or you should go into more detail about your setup/problem.

PHP的会话路径是会话数据在服务器(而不是客户端)上存储的位置.请参阅文档: https://secure.php .net/manual/en/session.configuration.php#ini.session.save-path

PHP's session path is the location where session data is stored on your server, not the client. See the documentation: https://secure.php.net/manual/en/session.configuration.php#ini.session.save-path


You can move these files and replace/keep in case of collisions how you see fit. This is pretty much only restricted by read/write-permissions you have when accessing/moving stuff and your webserver-user (e.g. apache or nginx) or php-user has for reading/writing them from/to the new location.

如果通过浏览器中的PHPSESSID"表示会话ID是您的url的一部分,那就是不同的PHP设置,无论如何都应禁用它,请参见文档中的注意事项: https://secure.php.net/manual/en/session.configuration .php#ini.session.use-trans-sid

If by "PHPSESSID in their browser" you mean the session id is part of your urls, that is a different PHP-setting, that should be disabled anyway, see notice in the documentation: https://secure.php.net/manual/en/session.configuration.php#ini.session.use-trans-sid



There already is a nice JS-based solution for expiring the old cookie. I would go with that. if you can't just do that, you could do a redirect to /cv have a php-script there that reads the cookie and stores the data somewhere (a database for example based on the user_id) and expire the cookie. Then you can redirect to the old page, look for the "/"-cookie and restore the data. It's a very ugly hack, but I don't think you can get the cookie for each path in PHP, since it's server side and based on the session id provided by the client (but I might be wrong).


05-22 04:48