

根据 Nodes()函数返回关系吗? Neo4j浏览器中有一个自动完成开关.我正在使用没有此功能的3.2.0.是否存在等效的UI元素?

According to Nodes() function returns relationships? there is an AUTO-COMPLETE toggle in the Neo4j browser. I am using 3.2.0 which does not have this. Is there a equivalent UI element?


看起来像已移至浏览器设置齿轮的底部,并且现在标记为Connect result nodes.默认为选中状态.如果您取消选中此框,则该框的显示方式就像以前的自动完成滑块一样.

Looks like it moved to the bottom of the browser settings gear and is now labeled Connect result nodes. It defaults to checked. If you uncheck the box it appears as though it behaves like the autocomplete slider did previously.


11-03 11:36