


If you specify anchors in frames of the flash movie, IE browser will change hash in address bar while playing it.

http://example.com/ --> http://example.com/#start

是否有任何方法禁止使用HTML导航&安培; JS?

Is there any method to disable this navigation using only HTML & JS?


如果您使用Flash with named anchorsHTML模板进行导出,它使用ExternalInterface调用来更改地址。从HTML页面中删除这些行:

There will only be changes if you use the "Flash with named anchors" HTML template for export. It uses an ExternalInterface call to change the address. Remove these lines from the HTML page:

<script language="JavaScript">
    function flashGetHref() { return location.href; }
    function flashPutHref(href) { location.href = href; }
    function flashGetTitle() { return document.title; }
    function flashPutTitle(title) { document.title = title; }

加上插入到HTML代码中的指定锚点(< a name = ...> ),并且将不再有任何深层链接 - 除非应用程序使用SWFAddress,您可以简单地从JavaScript导入中删除。

plus the named anchors inserted into the HTML code (<a name="...">), and there will no longer be any deep linking - unless the app uses SWFAddress, which you could simply remove from the JavaScript imports.


11-01 07:23