


I have 2 common plugin-driven tasks that I want to execute in my projects. Because they're common, I want to move their configuration to the pluginMangement section of a shared parent POM. However, both of the 2 tasks, whilst otherwise completely distinct, use the same plugin. In some of my projects I only want to do 1 of the 2 tasks (I don't always want to run all executions of the plugin).


Is there a way to specify multiple different executions of a plugin, within the pluginManagement section of a parent pom, and choose in my child pom one (and only one) of those executions to actually run? If I configure 2 executions in pluginManagement, it seems that both executions will run.

注意:我认为这可能是或不是问题,但是由于该问题有将近4屏(TL; DR)的长度,因此简洁的重复可能值得.

Note: I think this may, or may not, be a duplicate of question Maven2 - problem with pluginManagement and parent-child relationship, but as the question is nearly 4 screenfuls long (TL;DR), a succinct duplicate might be worthwhile.



You're correct, by default Maven will include all of the executions you have configured. Here's how I've dealt with that situation before.

          <!-- plugin config to share -->
          <!-- plugin config to share -->


Note, the executions are bound to phase none. In the child, you enable the parts that should execute like this:

        <id>first-execution</id>         <!-- be sure to use ID from parent -->
        <phase>prepare-package</phase>   <!-- whatever phase is desired -->
      <!-- enable other executions here - or don't -->


If the child doesn't explicitly bind the execution to a phase, it won't run. This allows you to pick and choose the executions desired.


10-31 12:26