


Currently I'm trying to get the facebook api to work. When I launch SessionLoginSample on my virtual device and hit login via the activity it works just fine. Even though I don't have Faceboook on the device it points me to the website.

当我试图通过我的实际设备(银河S2 +)来启动它登录无助。我得到一个Facebook弹出问我,如果我想要的应用程序给存取权限,以我的个人资料和好友列表。其下的选项取消和确定。当我点击确定它变成了一个负重轮弹出这几秒钟后消失,但没有任何反应。它不登录。同样还有美味我的Andr​​oid手机上。

When I try to launch login through my actual device (Galaxy S2+) it does nothing. I get a Facebook popup asking me if I want the app to give acces to my profile and friends list. The options under it are cancel and ok. When I hit OK it changes into a loading wheel popup which disappears after a few seconds, but nothing happens. It doesn't log in. Same goes with Scrumptious on my android phone.


I do have Facebook on there.


Edit. When I remove the Facebook app from my phone it does work. What is going on?



So I fixed the problem. There were multiple others having the same problem, but nothing actually worked. What do you have to do is this:

  1. 导出签名应用程序

  1. Export Signed App

获取keyhash从密钥库。见Facebook Android的生成密钥散列。

Get keyhash from keystore. See Facebook Android Generate Key Hash.


10-31 11:34