


When using a LoaderManager, do I still manage my database writes the way I have in the past and let the Loader pick up the changes? I am in the process of converting and adding functionality to an app and I am still getting used to the Android platform.


如果您使用的是 CursorLoader ,你通过的ContentProvider 您 CursorLoader ,装载机和光标将变更通知,所以一切会为你处理。

If you are using CursorLoader, and you do all your database updates via the ContentProvider you used with CursorLoader, the loader and its Cursor will be notified of changes, so everything will be handled for you.

如果您不使用 CursorLoader ,这是你的责任,以某种方式更新自己的光标。例如,我的项目有一个 SQLiteCursorLoader 与直接工作的 SQLiteOpenHelper ,它提供了插入()更新() 删除() execSql()上加载器方法,所以我们可以相应地更新光标。

If you are not using CursorLoader, it is your responsibility to somehow update your own Cursor. For example, my LoaderEx project has a SQLiteCursorLoader that works directly with a SQLiteOpenHelper, and it offers insert(), update(), delete(), and execSql() methods on the Loader, so we can update the Cursor accordingly.


10-31 05:51