


 #!/ usr / bin / perl 
open(file,textIds.txt); #
@file =< file>; #file寻找
#关闭文件; #
$ temp = $ _;
$ temp =〜tr / | / \ t /;名称和ID之间的#puts选项卡
@arrayTemp = split(\t,$ temp);
@ found = grep {/ $ arrayTemp [1] /}< file>;
if(defined $ found [0]){
#if(grep {/ $ arrayTemp [1] /}< file>){
print $ _;
@ found =();

#John | 7791 154
#Smith | 5432 290
#Conor | 6590 897



脚本中存在一些问题。 c $ c>和使用警告;

  • 切勿将裸词作为文件句柄使用,因为它们是全局标识符。使用三参数打开
    来代替: open(my $ fh,'&','testIds.txt');

  • 使用autodie; 或检查打开的结果是否有效。您阅读并存储 testIds。 txt 放入数组 @file 但稍后(在 grep 中),您是
    再次尝试从该文件(句柄)中读取(使用< file> )。正如@PaulL所说,由于该文件已被读取,因此总是
    给出 undef (false)。

  • 替换 | 带有制表符,然后在选项卡上拆分并不是必需的。您可以同时在
    标签和管道上分割(假设John | 7791 154真的是John | 7791 \ t154)。

  • 您在谈论输入文件和文件中时,并未精确地告诉哪个是哪个。

  • 考虑到这一点,您的脚本可以写成: p>

     #!/ usr / bin / perl 
    use strict;

    open(my $ fh,'<','textIds.txt')或者死无法打开file:$!\\\
    my @file =< $ fh>;
    close($ fh);

    while(my $ line =<>){
    #splitJohn | 7791 (John,7791,154):
    my($ name,$ number1,$ number2)= split(/ \ || \ t /,$ line);

    #将$ number1与@file的每个成员进行比较,如果找到则打印:
    if(grep(/ $ number1 /,@file)){
    print $ line;

    I'm trying for search in the one file for instances of thenumber and post if the other file contains those numbers

    open(file, "textIds.txt"); #
            @file = <file>;         #file looking into
    #        close file;            #
            $temp = $_;
            $temp =~ tr/|/\t/;      #puts tab between name and id
            @arrayTemp = split("\t", $temp);
            @found=grep{/$arrayTemp[1]/} <file>;
            if (defined $found[0]){
            #if (grep{/$arrayTemp[1]/} <file>){
                    print $_;
    print "\n";
    close file;
    #the input file lines have the format of 
    #John|7791  154
    #Smith|5432 290
    #Conor|6590 897
    #And in the file the format is 

    There are some issues in your script.

    1. Always include use strict; and use warnings;.This would have told you about odd things in your script in advance.
    2. Never use barewords as filehandles as they are global identifiers. Use three-parameter-openinstead: open( my $fh, '<', 'testIds.txt');
    3. use autodie; or check whether the opening worked.
    4. You read and store testIds.txt into the array @file but later on (in your grep) you areagain trying to read from that file(handle) (with <file>). As @PaulL said, this will alwaysgive undef (false) because the file was already read.
    5. Replacing | with tabs and then splitting at tabs is not neccessary. You can split at the tabs and pipes at the same time as well (assuming "John|7791 154" is really "John|7791\t154").
    6. Your talking about "input file" and "in file" without exactly telling which is which.I assume your "textIds.txt" is the one with only the numbers and the other input file is theone read from STDIN (with the |'s in it).

    With this in mind your script could be written as:

    use strict;
    use warnings;
    # Open 'textIds.txt' and slurp it into the array @file:
    open( my $fh, '<', 'textIds.txt') or die "cannot open file: $!\n";
    my @file = <$fh>;
    # iterate over STDIN and compare with lines from 'textIds.txt':
    while( my $line = <>) {
        # split "John|7791\t154" into ("John", "7791", "154"):
        my ($name, $number1, $number2) = split(/\||\t/, $line);
        # compare $number1 to each member of @file and print if found:
        if ( grep( /$number1/, @file) ) {
            print $line;


    10-30 05:53